Tuesday’s Tale, April 26, 2022 If You’re Gonna Be Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough!

Today’s Tuesday’s Tale will focus on education (both academic and life education). This is the last week in the spring semester for the two colleges I work with: the University of Louisiana at Monroe and Delta Community College. Both are fine schools and I’ve worked as an adjunct for several years, teaching mostly Freshman Composition. It never fails that in the last days of the semester, the smelling salts of reality wake some students from their stupor and lack of involvement in my course. The excuses flood my inbox, and I can feel the desperation in their futile pleas for extensions ( I never give extensions at the end of a course), for makeup work (allowed only in a short window of time and only for college-approved reasons) and for extra credit work, which I never give. I’m sure some of them will have a good cry when I firmly reject their request. Perhaps they will realize that not all teachers are pushovers, that the lost opportunities to learn and improve themselves, the time and money wasted as they partied and tip-toed through the Tulips is is a high price they didn’t anticipate. Experience isn’t always the best teacher, but it is often the hardest teacher.
The best advice I can give my students is expressed in these lines by Roger Alan Wade:
If your gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough
When you get knocked down you gotta get back up,
I ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer but I know enough, to know,
If your gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough!

Beau and the Hurricane: A Short Story by the Bard of the South

Beau and the Storm . . .

Marie checked the barometer on her porch wall and saw the air pressure had dropped suddenly, dropped so low that she heard the next-door neighbor’s car windows pop.  The wind began to wail. Yawning to pop her ears, she glanced out the cabin window, and saw dark purple storm clouds racing over the hill. It looked like a bad one.  The news casts warning Louisiana residents of the storm caused her to remember Hurricane Rita. That hurricane created a tidal wave from the Gulf that had reached Lake Charles ten miles north of her, and along with the high winds, the 400 recorded tornados, these storm factors demolished every building and house in Rita’s path and spawned 400 recorded tornadoes.  The authorities did find one Brahma bull that had managed to find a cheniere to survive in. Marie hoped she wouldn’t have to experience that with this storm as she was pessimistic that she could be as lucky as that one bull.

            Remembering her Catahoula Cur puppy was still outside, she ran to the door, opened it and called him, “Beau! Come here.”  When he didn’t appear, she dashed outside and found him frantically digging at the dirt near the rickety fence. “Beau, what on earth are you doing? You get yourself up here right now.”  Beau looked back at her, whined, and after he continued digging for a moment, ran to her and stood before her in a defensive position as if he wanted to protect her from the dark clouds moving their way. A blast of warm gulf air slapped her in the face and that was when she knew she and Beau had little time before the storm.

            After she filled two gallon-jugs with drinking water from the tap and made what she knew might be her last cup of Community coffee, her houselights flickered a few times, and then she and Beau were plunged into darkness. Her cell phone and landline phone were dead.

            “At least I have you with me, Beau. We’ll be alright.” She glanced up at the Heart of Jesus painting, and kissed the rosary hanging from her neck.  “I’ll fix us some supper and then we’ll hunker down for Hurricane Diane coming our way.” Beau was her best friend these days. She was so happy she had bought him from Mr. Johnson her neighbor.

            She poured Beau a bowl of Blue Buffalo Chicken and Brown Rice food and opened a can of tuna for herself that she ate with crackers. She taped the windows with giant X’s to help minimize the danger of flying, shattered glass.  The temperature had dropped, so she and Beau cuddled together in the Lazy Boy chair in her living room. She listened to the whoosh and whistling of the wind, then that same wind pounded her house like her home was a drum and made a roaring sound like an angry beast.  She heard strange thunderclaps and crackling lightning above them.  Her house seemed to be holding up well under the strain, so after nearly two days without sleep, she drifted off.

            She woke when the tin roof was ripped off and the house was torn apart wall by wall. She woke briefly but passed out again when a cypress board slammed against her head.

            Marie woke many hours later, covered by boards and wallpaper covered sheetrock. The storm sounds were gone, and she was enveloped in a strange silence. She called out for Beau. “Beau, where are you?  I hope you weren’t hurt.”  As she pushed off some of the boards and detritus, she saw her whole house was gone, and it seemed Beau was too. She tried to stand, but couldn’t, noticing her legs were bloodied and one leg was twisted in a strange shape. She managed to crawl toward where the door used to be, and she cried as she looked out at her yard. The picket fence Beau had dug at had mostly been taken away somewhere, and her fruit trees were twisted as badly as her leg. “What am I going to do?” she said to herself.

            It was then she heard Beau’s familiar bark. She managed to rise up enough to see Beau running to the house, followed by her nearest neighbor, Howard Broussard. Broussard reached her, raised her slightly and said, “Don’t worry, cher. We will help you. I’ll get my truck and we’ll get you to the doctor. ”

            “How did you know I needed help?” she asked.

            “Why that Beau of yours, he come to my house and he bark and bark and grabs my pant legs and pulls on me till I follow him. I see now why he wanted me to follow him. I think you have a smart dog there.”

            Marie hugged Beau. “He is a good, smart dog, a good friend.”

            Beau wiggled out of Marie’s arms and went out to what remained of the picket fence and started digging again.

            “Why does Beau like to dig around that fence, Mr. Johnson?”

            “I don’t know for sure, cher. Dogs, especially the smarter ones I’ve owned, all seem to have little quirks. His mama used to dig like that too. I never did figure out what she was looking for.  Don’t let Beau’s digging  bother you much.”

            “Beau saved me, Mr. Johnson. I bet if I could read his mind, he’d see some things about me he doesn’t understand.”

When the Seminole Met Shakespeare

When the Seminole Met Shakespeare

                        Death . . . The undiscovere’d country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns.—from Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Lt. William Tecumseh Sherman once described Fort Picolata as a beautiful place. Shaded by giant live oaks, with a calming vista of the St. Johns River, the calm and peaceful setting was a contrast to much of war-torn Florida. The fort had a single sentry house surrounded by a palisade of split pine logs. Picolata rested on the site of a now-vanished twice-built Spanish fort that had also been garrisoned by the British.  Inside the fort now were a few civilians who had fled for safety from nearby plantations, the fort’s soldiers and the beginnings of a wooden hospital. Outside the palisade were friendly Seminoles camping and an area with rows of crude crosses marking many graves of soldiers who had fallen to diseases or who had died at the hands of the Seminole last summer.

When  Williams C. Forbes and his theatre troupe disembarked on May 22, 1840, he must also have thought about the beauty about him. After two years managing his theatres in Savannah and Augusta, he was ready for his two-week tour to St. Augustine to increase his earnings. St. Augustine was only 18 miles away following a fairly decent road. Though he had toured extensively in America, Florida was undiscovered country for him, but he had heard how St. Augustine had swelled with soldiers and citizens recently in population due to the Seminole War. He was counting on the citizens to be hungry for entertainment, which was exceedingly rare in the frontier in the best of circumstances.

His troupe were experienced and hardened travelers, familiar with the repertoire which included Hamlet, Othello, Julius Caesar, Richard III, and the always good for a laugh,  Honeymooners. Tonight at Fort Picolata, he intended to perform Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. After introductions to the fort’s officers and a fine supper of venison and vegetables, he directed his stagehands to set up their simple set and prepare the props as the actors donned their costumes. The fort’s commander agreed to allowed Forbes to use a drummer and fifer in the play.

Scattered nearby the staging area were a bonfire, several beacon-lights and candle lanterns for illumination. As night spread its dark veil, Forbes looked up at the stars blanketing the sky, at the thin sliver of a waxing moon, and the ghostly white shroud of moon flowers in the distance covering the tops of many trees. Soldiers, civilians, and Indians sat on the ground or stood to see the play.  For many in the audience, this was their first play and certainly their first experience to Shakespeare performed by professional actors.

They began with a veil dance by Miss Rosalee, accompanied by Mr. Wegher on his violin. As she whirled and pranced about, she would fix her eyes on a soldier in a flirtatious manner and then glide over to another.

With himself as Hamlet, Rosalee as Ophelia, Fanny Isherwood as the Queen, and Thomas Lyne as Horatio, and using the secondary actors for other parts, they plunged into the dark tragic world of Hamlet’s Denmark.  With the dead were scattered on the ground around him, Horatio (Mr. Lyne) closed out the play saying, “Take up the bodies: such a sight as this shows much amiss . . . .

The drummer began a death march. At first there was a soft silence, enhanced only by the night sounds of crickets, tree frogs and loud hoots of an owl. Then there was applause and cheers. The dead Danes arose and lined up around Forbes and they bowed.

“Goodnight to all,” Forbes said with a flourish.

*           *           *

The next morning, after a breakfast of coffee, hardtack, and cornmeal mush, the troupe packed for their short journey on the straight and relatively smooth road to St. Augustine. Forbes, the Isherwoods and two actresses boarded a borrowed stagecoach.

“Isn’t Florida beautiful! And what a wonderful morning,” Fanny said. “Absolutely inspiring!”

The other actors loaded a wagon loaded with the costumes, props and set materials followed behind, with a FORBES ACTING COMPANY sign mounted on the wagon’s side. About seven miles outside St. Augustine, with the stagecoach long out of sight, the slower moving wagon was ambushed by Seminole warriors led by Wild Cat and John Horse.  As was their custom, the Seminole loosed  deadly rifle fire when the travelers came into range.

In the first volley, Mr. Miller, who had hitched a ride on the wagon to St. Augustine, the secondary actor Vose, were killed immediately. The German musician Wegher attempted to flee but was shot as he stopped and begged in vain for his life in German. The black driver and G.C. Germon were able to hide in the palmetto scrub. Thomas Lyne hid in a hammock and spent a miserable night in a tree, and that morning set out on the road and caught up with Germon and they walked until they found soldiers at Fort Searle.  Mr. Hagan, one of the drivers, hid until dark and somehow made his way to a nearby plantation owned by an Army Colonel.

The Seminole lost interest in the ones who had escaped the sudden and savage attack and set to plundering the wagon for the spoils of war. They broke open the luggage and with whoops and laughter began trying on the troupe’s colorful costumes, medallions, and bling jewelry and applying the troupe’s makeup to their faces. One retrieved a huge sword and chased another around the wagon, poking him playfully in the arse. Another, donning a beaver-skin top hat, found a jug of whiskey which was passed freely around the war party. The warriors were silent for a moment, then nodded and grunted in approval when Wildcat, wearing a Viking helmet, held up Yorick’s skull and whispered words of death to it.

While the Seminole in their new tunics, bloomers, sashes, various women’s clothes, and buckled shoes were enjoying their parody of Shakespeare, another wagon with a driver and three passengers from St. Augustine approached the macabre scene. These travelers too were quickly attacked by the crazed players cast to play parts directed by the demon-fueled Florida war. Francis Medicis, the mail carrier, was killed along with A. Ball, a carpenter from Massachusetts.  The third passenger and the black driver escaped on foot to Fort Searle.  As soon as the news reached St. Augustine, a militia was sent out to hunt the raiding Seminole and to retrieve the bodies of the slain. As usual, no Seminole were found. They had simply vanished again into the trackless Florida wilderness.

The Seminole thespians were seen in their Shakespearean costumes on several occasions many months later: Wildcat in the turban and robes of Othello, another in the royal purple and ermine robe of Richard III, and others decked out in the crimson vests, tunics, and plumes of Forbes’ troupe.

Forbes and his troupe who made the trip safely, the residents of Saint Augustine, and the soldiers who saw Wildcat and others in their wild Shakespearean garb, never forgot the images planted in their minds when the Seminole, in the wild and savage Florida war, transformed themselves into characters from Shakespeare’s tragedies. And each time one would read a selection from Hamlet out loud, they would remember, and he or she would retell the story of the Massacre of the Theatre Troupe in an undiscovered country.












Meet the author: Rickey Pittman at the Basin Book Fair in Midland, Texas

As the flier below shows, I’ll be at the Basin Book Fair in Midland, Texas on April 9, 2022. I scanned some websites about the value of book fairs in general and here’s what I discovered:

  1. Book fairs in our nation  put millions of books into the hands of children and also helps schools obtain resources needed to promote reading and literacy.
  2. Book fairs are happy events for educators, parents, and children. Memories are stimulated and new reading and technological discoveries are made.
  3.  Book fairs provide an opportunity to meet authors.
  4. We are sick of virtual events, and this event is a chance to have a bookish experience in real life.

I hope you will consider visiting this event! It looks like it will be great fun!

Tales on Tuesday #2: Inspiration from Matthew McConaughey

GREENLIGHTS by Matthew McConaughey

I’ve long respected and admired the acting talent of Matthew McConaughey, especially in his performances in Dallas Buyers Club and True Detectives Season One. After listening to his reading of Greenlights in audio form and obtaining the printed book (Crown Pub.), I feel I better understand the man himself and am even more impressed with his talents, as I’m sure you will be too if you read (or listen) to it. As McConaughey says in his opening, this is not a traditional memoir, but rather an approach to life, a playback based on adventures in his life that he considers significant, enlightening, or humorous, and he encourages the reader to subjectively adopt his experiences and advice to shape or change his or her view of reality or to change.

I am sure your encounter with Greenlights will increase your awareness of life, begin or continue your own journal, resurrect your own family memories, cause you to notice bumperstickers, (his unique spelling), plan your own wild adventures, increase your determination to reach goals, and inspire you to create and express yourself in poetry, song, or art. This book is a reminder that there can be as we say in Cajun Louisiana: Joie de vivre. 

Tales on Tuesdays by the Bard of the South

Tales on Tuesdays by the Bard of the South: March 8, 2022

                        You, who are on the road / Must have a code that you can live by—Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young

Every Tuesday, in my blog and on my Facebook pages, you will find one of my tales that I hope will feed your imagination, inspire you to discover and develop the greatness I believe is in you, to make you think, and to nudge you to create something personal, beautiful, and important in some way. A tale is defined as,  a fictitious or true narrative or story, especially one that is imaginatively presented. This is my first tale, written with a nod to NCIS character Jethro Gibbs, who after years of life and career experience developed a code to live and work by. I decided to post of few of my own rules that are important to me. I hope to collect enough of these rules to create a book eventually. Let me know what you think,

Pittman’s Rules

  1. Do the hard things first.
  2. Be the last to believe gossip about a friend and not the first.
  3. Give people space and privacy after a tragedy, especially when a family member dies. You don’t need to know all the details. If they want you to know, they will share it with you.
  4. Nothing changes unless you do something different.
  5. When you do something wrong and are confronted, admit it. Do not lie or place blame on others, Be a man and admit your error and face the consequences.
  6. Learn from Confucius. He believed in these principles:
    a.Devotion to family and friends
    b.Love and benevolence for humanity
    c.Reverence and respect for ancestors. (This is described incorrectly and negatively by Westerners as “Ancestor Worship.”)
    d.Education, cultivation, and discipline of the mind.
    e. Government should be the servant not the master of the people.
    f.Men should think for themselves and stand up for what is right.
    g.The elderly should be treated with honor and respect.
    h. Men should be gentlemen, civilized, and demonstrate integrity. A person should be judged according to his or her own abilities and not by noble birth or government position.

Thoughts Regarding Statue of Chief Tomochichi

There seems to be no end to the protests regarding any attempt to present anything positive about American history and the people who had roles in that history.  The WOK mindset finds wrong everywhere through their nitpicking spins on the facts, including the recently erected statue of Tomochichi in Atlanta.  In the Monroe Newstarr, an article by Michael Warren entitled “Atlanta statue dismays Muskogee (Creek),” Warren says some tribal historians of the Creek have issues regarding the statue. Those opposed to the statue claim:

  1. It’s disrespectful.
  2. It’s incredibly inappropriate.
  3. It presents an offensive and historically conception of Native Americans as primitive savages.
  4. It glorifies a heavily mythologized figure, whom the Muskogee say initiated a century of ethnic cleansing. The critics claim Atlanta is “erasing them again, acting as if they vanished without a fight after handing over their land and heritage
  5. The article finds fault in Tomochichi supplying slaves to the British and promising to return any escaped negro slaves,

Here’s my general observations about this article: Yes, the statue shows Tomochichi in a loincloth instead of buckskin breeches and long white shirt. Yes, he probably did generally wear western style clothes (as did the Seminole), but the loincloth is also accurate as Creek warriors would fight nearly (or often totally) naked when in battle or hunting. The statue honors a Creek leader who basically is responsible for founding the city of Savannah by giving the British permission to build there. He did not give ALL the Creek lands away.

He also did not initiate ethnic cleansing. If anything really started the Creek (Red Stick) war, it was the Fort Mims Massacre when 500 settlers (many Southern Creek among them) were attacked  and horribly killed and mutilated by hundreds of Northern Creek.  The Creek wars are proof that the nation did resist. Besides, much of the Creek nation had intermarried with the Scots and Irish, and they were sent also on the Trail of Tears.

About slavery: The Creek nation, just like other Native American tribes, as owned and took slaves, enslaving both blacks and Native Americans. There was no innocent party on the topic of slavery.

No statue can present all facts (whether good or bad) of a person. Statues can make the viewer think and research who the statue represents and their place in history. Would it be better to not know anything about Tomochichi? Whether tribal historians like it or not, Tomochichi is a part of Creek history. Are there other Creek leaders who should be represented as well or instead of Tomochichi?

Creek history, like that of other Native American tribes, is a complicated, and unfortunately often sad story. I encourage you to read and research for yourself. I’d suggest you visit the Georgia Historical Society page on Tomochichi: https://georgiahistory.com/education-outreach/online-exhibits/featured-historical-figures/tomochichi/



Epigraphs and Krio Proverbs from Blood Diamonds of the Lost Bazaar: A Novel by Rickey Pittman, Bard of the South

Blood Diamonds of the Lost Bazaar: A Novel by Rickey Pittman, Bard of the South

My new novel will be released this year. To give my readers and writer friends a little taste of some discoveries they will make, I’ve included a list of the epigraphs I’ve used to set a tone or to encourage thinking or personal memories. If you read my other novels and short stories, you already know that I am fond of using epigraphs. Most are directly under the chapter number, but a few of the Krio proverbs are also in the text as quoted by characters. I hope you will find the Krio proverbs as delightful as I did. The Krio language is English based and is Sierra Leone’s de facto national language. I encourage you to do an online search of Krio. At the end of my list of epigraphs, is a short video that will teach the basics of speaking Krio:

Chap: 1 When Diamonds are a Legend,/And Diadem—a Tale—IBrooch and Earrings for myself/Do sow, and Raise for sale—Emily Dickinson

Chap. 2 The song is done, the words remain.—Krio Proverb

Chap. 3 If you look into the bride’s face, you’ll know that the bride is crying.
—Krio Proverb

Chap. 4 People say I am ruthless. I am not ruthless. And if I find the man who is calling me ruthless, I shall destroy him.—Robert Kennedy

Chap. 5: I believe there is no sickness of the heart too great that it cannot be cured by a dose of Africa—John Hemingway.

Chap. 6 A stranger doesn’t know a bad road.—Krio Proverb

Chap. 7 The heart is not made of bone—Krio Proverb

Chap. 8 Enter quickly, leave quickly: If no one sees you, then ghosts will see you. There is always a witness.—Krio Proverb

Cap. 9 If a person isn’t used to dying, once he dies it will be hard to wake him.—Krio Proverb

Chap. 10 African art is functional, it serves a purpose. It’s not a dormant. It’s not a means to collect the largest cheering section. It should be healing, a source a joy. Spreading positive vibrations.—Mos Def

Chap. 11 If you are going to the hill to make a sacrifice for the devils there and you meet them on the way, will you still go?—Krio Proverb

Chap. 12 If you close your eyes to facts, you will learn through accidents.—Krio Proverb

A dance that makes a person poor, you nah forget the song.

Chap. 13 The memories we make with our family is everything.—Candace Cameron Bure

Chap. 14 Adoption is a journey of faith, from beginning to end. — Johnny Carr

Chap. 15 I’ve seen the future and it is murder.—Leonard Cohen

Chap. 16 A bad husband is better than an empty bed.—Krio Proverb

Chap. 17 If you’re not dead yet, you haven’t heard all the news.—Krio Proverb

Chap. 18 Songwriting is too mysterious and uncontrolled a process for me to direct it towards any one thing.—James Taylor

Chap. 19 Sometimes life gives you a second chance . . . It’s what you do with those second chances that counts.—Dave Wilson.

Chap. 20 A true friend is never truly gone. Their spirit lives on in the memories of those who loved them.

Chap. 21 I grew up among wise men and found that there is nothing better for men than
silence—Krio Proverb

Chap. 22 You can recognize a person’s tribe by the way he cries.—Krio Proverb

Chap. 23 The role of the artist is to not look away.—Akiro Kurosawa

Chap. 24 Music doesn’t lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music. –Jimi Hendrix

Chap. 25 As you sell yourself, so the world will buy you.—Krio Proverb

Chap. 26 I can resist everything except temptation—Oscar Wilde

Chap. 27 The jealous are possessed by a mad devil—Johann Kaspar Lavater

Chap. 28 Without hearts there is no home.—Byron.

The turtle wants to box, but his arms are too short
Money in the hand, back on the ground.

Chap. 29 On the streets, unrequited love and death go together almost as often as in Shakespeare—Scott Turow.

Chap. 30 Stalking is a cruel and incessant crime with often terrifying consequences.
—Amber Rudd

Chap. 31 Salomé, Salomé, dance for me. I pray thee dance for me. I am sad to-night. Yes, I am passing sad to-night. When I came hither I slipped in blood, which is an evil omen; and I heard, I am sure I heard in the air a beating of wings, a beating of giant wings. I cannot tell what they mean—Oscar Wilde

Chap. 32 If they carry you on their back, you won’t know that the road is long.—Krio Proverb.

Chap. 33 When a cunning man dies, it’s a cunning man who buries him.—Krio Proverb


“Orchids of the Everglades” a poem by Rickey Pittman, Bard of the South

“Orchids of the Everglades” by Rickey Pittman, Bard of the South

In the quiet of the mysterious Everglades,
Where there are no roads or footpaths,
I discovered many orchids,
Mother Nature’s Masterpiece!
Plants with beauty in this unexpected place,
Living on trees blanketed with moonflowers.
Orchids are millions of years old—colorful, showy and fragrant,
Exotic flowers finding nutrients in air and water,
Sought by tourists, authors, and orchid thieves.
I saw the Cowhorn, once removed by wagonloads,
With its unique stems, flowers, and fruits,
The Butterfly, with its small yellow petals,
The Clamshell, dark in color but
With white and yellow inside,
The Nodding Ladies Tresses,
A wild orchid with a distinct fragrance,
The Butterfly, with its small yellow petals,
The Longclaw, with brown spotted leaves,
The Grass Pink Orchid, bearing
Up to ten flowers on each plant,
The Fakahatchee Beaked Orchid, living on logs,
That suddenly appears when swamps are low,
And the elusive, and much sought Ghost Orchid,
With no leaves, but a large white flower.

Here’s a website on orchids you may enjoy: https://ntbg.org/everglades-orchid-conservation/

“If I Were a Politician” A poem by Rickey Pittman, Bard of the South

If I Were a Politician . . .

Nations are born in the hearts of poets, they prosper and die in the hands of politicians.—Muhammad-Iqbal

If I were a politician,
I could make myself rich,
I could get the media,
To make a biased pitch!

I could deny any obvious truth,
Put a spin on any fact,
I could even lie if needed,
To keep Trump from coming back.

I could give out lots of money,
To make people so dependent,
That I’d keep their votes forever,
And wipe out all dissent.

If I were a politician,
Soft on crimes I see,
Ignoring the growing violence,
As long as it avoids me.

If I were a politician,
I’d attend parties galore,
Mingle with rich elite,
And celebrities I adore!

High prices won’t bother me
Though others suffer from inflation,
Anyway, all the so-called problems,
Come from misinformation.

I’d praise the fact checkers,
Though often ignorant as can be,
They censor anything conservative,
And seem to hate our history.

I’d protect Ukraine’s border,
From attack by any foreign nation,
But leave our own border open
To a horrible invasion.
–2022 Rickey Pittman
Bard of the South