“Chillicothe Rain” by Roger Alan Wade It seems like it was a few months ago. cheap albion gold I was returning to Louisiana from my tour in the Rio Grande Valley and was listening to Outlaw Country on Sirius Satellite in my Toyota RAV and to the Big Ass Happy Family Jubilee (Always a great program!) when Roger Alan Wade did this song that has haunted me since I heard it. I consider it one of the best songs I’ve ever heard, with its unforgettable imagery and strong lyrics. buy albion gold I’ve been eagerly waiting for it to be released and it was included on his new album, Southbound Train. cheap albion gold I’m ordering the whole CD as I like every song on it. You can get this song “Chillicothe Rain” or the whole CD on iTunes or Amazon or from his Myspace page (here). albion gold I’ve listened and transcribed the lyrics. albion silver If I’ve made any mistakes, please email me or leave a comment. buy albion silver “Chillicothe Rain” D Low down in Ohio From the day that he was born G Charlie hit that hard road D Rolling like a thunderstorm Trouble as his shadow Larceny in his blood G They slapped him in the castle D For lighting up some peckerwood, G He got 11-29 the first time D Rode it out like train Walked down to the bus line A D Through the Chillicothe rain D/CVariation/Bm/A CHORUS: G Some people stay in hell D Just because they know the names of the streets Some lay their soul on the anvil A And on the hammer, hell that’s me, D Sorry for the trouble G The worry and the pain D Sorry I never had the sense to get out of A D the Chillicothe rain He hung around them pool halls Like to never found a job Finally started bouncing for some dude Connected to the Steubenville mob Fell hard for a dancer She took him for a ride She could have cleared him with her answer She got on the stand and lied He got ten years with good behavior Ten years and the mark of Cain The guard hollered See you later, through the hard Chillicothe rain. REPEAT CHORUS: Charlie stayed clear of trouble For a year he walked that line Trying to rebuild from the rubble And set things straight in his mind One night he got a phone call Said, Mama, I’ll be right back. buy albion gold She’d just killed the porch light When she heard sirens down by the track The score he swore he’d settle Got him more than a ball and chain Got him the Lord’s prayer and Satan’s chair In the Chillicothe rain. cheap albion silver CHORUS: (Variation) Some people stay in hell Just because they know the name of the streets Some lay their soul on the anvil And on the hammer, hell that’s me My storm will be over When they run lightning through my brain By the time you read this I’ll be a lily white mist In the Chillicothe rain.
Monthly Archives: August 2013
“Deguello Lullaby” by Roger Alan Wade Lyrics
I’ve been a fan of Roger Alan Wade for some time. Here’s a song of his I heard that I liked. albion gold The lyrics may be a little rough for some, but I think it would be a great song to do at a bar with the right crowd. buy albion gold I love the imagery suggested by the paradoxical title. cheap albion silver Deguello is a Spanish word meaning beheading or throat-slashing and then to attach it to our word lullaby, makes for a strong image. cheap albion gold I think it’s a song that alludes to those living and surviving (or not surviving) on the edges or underbelly of our society. albion silver Maybe we all start out looking for a nursery rhyme or fairytale, then find out that life has written a much harder story for us to play out. cheap albion gold It’s a song that should make us think. buy albion silver “Deguello Lullaby” by Roger Alan Wade Jack & Jill went up a hill Jack jumped into a moonshine still Little Boy Blue blowed his horn Bo Peeps in the meadow, knee deep into porn. Chorus: And it’s a hey deedle deeddle The spoon and the needle, The cat jumped over New York Man’s best friend just played violin And the dish ran away with the fork. Chorus: There was an old woman, She lived in a shoe, Tweedle dumb tweedle dee and tweedle me too, Cinderella fell by in a four-door sedan, I ran off with Alice to wonderland. buy albion gold Chorus: Little Jack Horner Is back in the corner He axed where I’m from I said I’m a foreigner Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall, And I walked down the stairs to make a phone call.
Cartel by Sylvia Longmire: A Short Review
In my searching for material about the Rio Grande Valley, I stumbled on Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico’s Drug Wars by Sylvia Longmire.
I ordered and read her book and decided I need to write a short review. Sylvia has also agreed to an interview on this blog, which will follow this posting shortly. I’m a bit overwhelmed by the topic, but I did want to express a few thoughts about Longmire’s well-written book. The title alone is a foreshadowing of the content. Adidas NMD Runner Italia Anyone who has given thought to the anarchy and death in Mexico, especially Northern Mexico, knows what is implied. Ms. ray ban pas cher Longmire concludes, and I think correctly, that the War on Drugs is one we cannot win. The best we can hope for is to manage it and keep it from getting too out of hand. Ms.
Longmire also indicates that the Drug War has already crossed the border as the cartels–who as I pointed in my articles about Charles Bowden and his books–are moving north, better armed, with better technology, and more money than our own government. The drugs continue to move through our ports of entry because of bribery of officials–both in law enforcement, businesses, and politicians. cheap albion gold This war is no longer a question of resources. Roshe Run Homme Pas Cher It’s a question of will, of ethics, of how our next generations will deal with the issues and where we will go as a nation. Longmire attempts to be politely optimistic about Mexico, but from what I see in the evidence she presents, in my opinion, Mexico is a basket case economically, morally, and politically. Without the billions of dollars pouring in from the drug trade, Mexico would collapse. Andre Ethier Jersey cheap albion silver She correctly points out that legalization of drugs is not the only solution to the problem of the drug cartels, as the drug lords will continue with the kidnappings, extortion, and murder that has created a nightmare and made so many flee Mexico. Longmire’s book has twelve well-written chapters. She makes very practical suggestions as to how Mexico can be taken back from the narcos. I think she’s accurate in her suggestions, but I’m pessimistic about whether they can be implemented. It may require a major border crisis–a violent spillover of blood, or changes in the politics of Mexican/American relations–before things radically change. buy albion gold I do think she may be overly optimistic about Mexico’s ability and will to deal with their crisis For now, the North above Mexico is safer, but human nature being what it is, that could change. albion silver As one who travels to the Rio Grande Valley frequently for my storytelling and music, I think about this often. If you’re one who cares about the drug war, or are concerned about the border, you need to read this book as painful as it might be in some passages.
As for me, I felt the truth of what she wrote immediately. albion gold Her writing indicates she put much thought and research into this well-endorsed book. buy albion silver You can connect to her blog and read more about Ms. Fjallraven Kanken Kinderen cheap albion gold Longmire here, and you can order her book here: Ms. Longmire has done what our media has not done–analyzed, prepared a thoughtful overview and revealed a worsening situation along our own border. How this war will change our border and our nation is the focal question that remains to be answered MLA Entry: Longmire, Sylvia. buy albion gold Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico’s Drug Wars.
A Southern Missive Newsletter: August 2013
A Southern Missive
Bardofthesouth.com Issue 1 August 2012
A Southern Missive: Containing special news, interviews, reviews, and articles, written by Rickey E.
Pittman—award-winning author, storyteller, college writing instructor, folksinger, and songwriter. This is a free newsletter for anyone interested in the War Between the States, Scottish, Irish, Welsh culture and history, Texas History, interesting people, or music. If you’d like to receive the email version, contact me at rickeyp@bayou.com I’ll give you a free ebook for signing up. buy albion silver The newsletter will also be archived on this blog. ————————————————————- About the Bard of the South: Rickey E. Pittman Read his complete bio here: ———————————————————— IN THIS ISSUE: ============================================================= The Latest from http://www.bardofthesouth.com/ ============================================================= I’m gearing up for the coming school year, which I hope will be the best and busiest year I’ve had. Last year, I made 143 presentations. new balance 574 femme bleu marine cheap albion silver This year I hope to have more. goedkoop nike air max 2016 August will be spent in music gigs and Arkansas History presentations for Arkansas Teacher Personal Development for various ISDs. Along with Jed Marum and Travis Ener, I’ve begun work on my fourth CD, which will be a collection of original songs centered on South Texas, the Rio Grande Valley, and Northern Mexico. I already have four songs laid down for it. ============================================================= ============================================================= ————————————————————- BOOK THE BARD! ————————————————————- Book the Bard of the South for your school, library, organization, festival, church, banquet or other event.
His positive, energetic presentation of stories and songs are sure to delight and edify those in attendance. buy albion gold His rates are reasonable and he pays his own travel and lodging expenses. Adam Wainwright Authentic Jersey albion silver Contact information: Rickey Pittman Cell 318-547-2906 Email: mailto:rickeyp@bayou.com Facebook: Rickey E. Pittman ============================================================= ( 5.) This Week’s Article ============================================================= The Art of Storytelling I tell these kinds of stories–stories of the War Between the States (America’s Civil War), state history (mostly, Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana to this point) Scottish, Irish, and other Celtic stories, and stories of Scottish and Irish saints. albion gold They have been well-received and I’ve had the battle experience now to answer this question: WHAT ADVICE CAN YOU GIVE TO THOSE WHO WANT TO DO STORYTELLING? . . Notre Dame Fighting Irish cheap albion gold . You can read more here: ============================================================= Ask The Expert: Email the Bard of the South your letters with comments and questions and I’ll post them here each issue with the proper response—answers to your questions or suggestions to help you with your research, storytelling, songwriting, or history. ============================================================= With my first issue of the Bard of the South Ezine, I’m going to begin with a few questions I’m commonly asked at my author and storytelling events: 1. How long have you been a storyteller? I have been traveling the country, mostly in the South, since the fall of 2007. Andre Ethier Jersey 2. What have you published? I have eight books in print and three music CDs. I have one children’s picture that will be out by Jan. 2014 (if all goes well) and one more CD, sometime in 2014. 3. Canotte Phoenix Suns cheap albion gold How did you find the story of Jim Limber? A friend gave me a very old book on the Confederacy, and there in the margin was a photo of Jim Limber, and a brief note that said, “Jim Limber: A free child of color adopted by Jefferson Davis.” I began my research and found much information about this forgotten child of history. ————————————————————- Like Bard of the South on Facebook! Rickey E. Pittman ============================================================= Stories: Jed Marum’s South Wind ============================================================= I’ve long been a fan of Jed Marum’s music and songwriting.
His technique is flawless and versatile, whether flatpicking or finger picking on guitar, banjo, and banjola. He is a road warrior–traversing the nation with his songs and stories for audiences of all ages.
Of all Marum’s CDs, I feel that he has produced his masterpiece with The South Wind (Though Cross Over the River is a close second). buy albion gold This CD, released on March 17, 2013, captures the spirit of the South and succinctly communicates what it means and what it feels like to be a Southerner . . . Read the whole story here: ————————————————————- ADVERTISEMENT: Are you a musician in need of a recording studio? There’s one I use that I’d like to recommend—Rockin T Audio in Princeton, Texas. Travis Ener is the engineer and does fantastic work at a reasonable price. Contact him here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Feel free to forward this Ezine to your friends.
The Blue Hour: A Life of Jean Rhys, a Short Review
I just finished reading The Blue Hour by Lilian Pizzichini: A Life of Jean Rhys, a book I purchased in a Friends of the Library sale. A couple of years ago, I was led to read Rhys’s novel, Wide Sargasso Sea after watching the movie with the same title. Nike Air Max 2016 Dames blauw Yes, I know one should never judge a novel by it’s movie, but in this case, I enjoyed the movie, and that pushed me to find the novel. The novel proved to be better, and more explanative of the movie. UA Clutchfit Drive II The novel is one of those I’ve read that I know I’ll never forget. There’s several reviews of this book online, so I’ll just focus on presenting the impression the reading of this biography made on me.
I was first of all impressed with the author, Lilian Pizzichini. According to the copy of the book’s jacket I purchase, she worked for the Literary Review and Times Literary Supplement in England. nike air max 2016 goedkoop Her first book Dead Men’s Wages, won the 2002 Crime Writers’ Association Gold Digger for Nonfiction. She lives in London and has has worked as a writer-in-residence at several prisons. I found a writer who carefully acknowledged her sources, and who was able to, in her words, “present the facts of Rhys’s life in such a way that the reader is left with an impression of what it was like to have lived such a life.” And I did find the biography honest, objective, and insightful. mochilas kanken baratas I had no idea that the life of this writer I enjoyed so much was so complex and beset with so many difficulties–many of them due to her own volatile nature. I really didn’t expect to feel what I felt as i read this account, nor to find out what I found about this writer that I do so admire. The biography helped me see facets of Rhys’s writings that I’ve never seen before and it also revealed stories and other novels before Wide Sargasso Sea that I want now to read. The biography is called the Blue Hour, as L’Heure Bleue was Rhys’s favorite perfume. I love reading biographies about writers, and I nearly always find ways I can identify, empathize, and sympathize with those writers. Maglie Philadelphia 76ers Writers share many secrets, many common traits, and not all of them are pleasant to recognize and experience. I enjoyed this read because it increased my vocabulary, historical facts, and geographical locations–not only of Dominica, her native island, but of historical London and Paris. Pizzichini was also able to reveal much information regarding Rhys’s style of writing, and the demons and ideas that propelled or at times hindered it. I discovered “an unconventional woman tormented by he inability to conform” (305). asics tiger pas cher Her three marriages, her children, her family–both immediate and extended–all of these helped but at sometimes hindered her artistic development. Her days of poverty, her vamping days, and her days of societal confrontation that often ended in fines and incarceration all revealed insights to this writer that I never would have imagined. This is a book I’m glad I discovered. I’ll certainly search for some more of Rhys’s works to read and ponder, and will definitely read again Wide Sargasso Sea. nike tanjun bambini MLA entry: Pizzichini, Lilian. asics gel pulse 7 damskie The Blue Hour: A Life of Jean Rhys. New York: 2009, W.W. Norton.
South Texas Beauty Queens at Harlingen Book Fest 2013: News Relase
Three beauty queens are scheduled to appear at the Harlingen Book Fest, Adidas Zx 850 Heren Saturday, fjallraven kanken rugzakken May 11, 2013. They will be doing some readings for the children at the festival. asics femme Festival director, nike air max schoenen Rickey Pittman, says this is only one of many surprises awaiting those who attend this event.
Pittman gives thanks to Debi Chavez for arranging for these wonderful ladies to come to the Harlingen Book Festival. Debi Lou Modeling Academy is owned and operated by RGV native, Air Jordan 14 Uomo Debi Chavez and is a product of Debi Lou Productions. Since the early 90s Debi has been an official recruiter for the Miss Texas USA and Miss Texas Teen USA Pageants. Cheap Nike Air Max Trainers UK Chavez’ goal is to empower our youth with the extra-ordinary life skills and self esteem necessary to fulfill their potential, new balance 574 sonic femme bordeaux achieve goals and inspire the community that surrounds them. Please visit her website is here: Chavez provided the following publicity photos: Miss South Texas, Tyler Zimmerman; Miss Rio Grand Valey, new balance 1400 invincible Elise Smith; Miss Rio Rio Grande Valley Junior Teen, sneakers blanc Homme Asics Taylor Cooley.
The Bard of the South Releases Two New Single Songs
I have been working on my fourth CD, albion gold an original collection with the working title of Songs of Texas and the Rio Grande Valley. cheap albion gold I am proud to introduce the first two songs that have been completed in the Studio of engineer Travis Ener in Princeton,
buy albion gold TX and produced by Jed Marum. buy albion gold You can click on the album covers and go to the CD Baby page to preview the songs.
cheap albion silver Both songs should be on iTunes,
buy albion silver Amazon, Asics Pas Cher cheap albion gold Spotify and other sites any day now.
The first song is entitled, cheap ffxiv gil “The 13th Floor,” a rather humorous song. nike air max 95 pas cher The model for the album cover is Amanda Brady. nike tn requin pas cher albion silver The second song is entitled,
“Miss Rio Grande Valley.” The album model is Tyler Zimmerman,
Miss South Texas.
Denison, TX and Doc Holiday
My mother lives in Kemp, OK, right across the Red River from Denison, TX. buy albion gold It seems that the famous Doc Holiday actually had a dental practice in Denison, 1874-75 when Denison was a boomtown. albion gold Donna Hunt of the Herald Democrat has written a fine article about this possibility. cheap albion gold You can read that article here: If you’re interested in researching the West during Doc Holiday’s era, you might want to save this article. buy albion gold I was raised on western movies and music, and I’ve spent much of my life going back and forth from the 14 cities I’ve lived in to the Red River Valley where my grandparents and parents lived. cheap albion silver My first novel, Red River Fever, is set in this area. buy albion silver This are between Texas and Indian territory has always attracted wild, lawless men and women. albion silver In my novel, I tell the story of Clifton Ray, a good ole boy who grows crazy and mean and terrorizes the Valley. cheap albion gold You can check out the novel here: It’s available in print or ebook versions.
Some Reader’s Comments on Under the Witch’s Mark
Here are three readers comments on my novel, Under the Witch’s Mark that were posted in Good Reads. Yvonne Erwin.
Chapter 17 begins with a quote from Emille de Garardin, the French journalist – “A woman whom we truly love is a religion.” Here, the entire book, “Under the Witch’s Mark,” is defined.
cheap albion gold Sheridan, a young man living in North Dallas in 1972, meets a raven-haired beauty named Bronwynn and falls hopelessly in love with her. albion gold As Bronwynn reveals her dark world of witchcraft and Satanism, Sheridan is equally repulsed and fascinated. And afraid. He sees people in Brownwynn’s world with immense power, charisma and dark lies. buy albion silver There is nothing he can do to stop the horrific events that unfold as Brownwynn pulls him close to the edge of an endless black chasm – and then disappears. buy albion gold Forever. asics gel nimbus 14 mujer This book is a debut work by a new author. cheap albion silver It’s a quick, entertaining read, with the voice of a true storyteller. nike air max 2016 hombre Christine Rose: Under the Witch’s Mark is full of Celtic mythology and British history mixed with a phantasmagorical trip back to the 70s. A smart read, the story is full of references to fine literature and poetry, not to mention its very own soundtrack of vintage rock! You can make an awesome playlist from all the songs mentioned in the book and really get into the groove of it. It’s a magical love story with a hint of mystery that will leave you breathless and wanting more. Charles Hurst: Mr. Nike Air Max TN Femme Pittman is arriving as a campfire storyteller. For those who remember “Red River Fever” they will recall the traditional Southern lulling of the reader gradually bringing him to the darker back corners of Pittman’s mind. nike pas cher buy albion gold “Under the Witches Mark” is the ignition of the proverbial Salem bonfire. The prologue captures the reader instantly and drags him away to Bronwynn’s world of the satanic occult where she preys on unsuspecting Sheridan who has strayed from the flock and is now pursued by the black wolf. new balance store buenos aires A classic metaphor of a beautiful tree of knowledge, whose poisonous fruit threatens Sheridan’s eternal soul. A nostalgic walk through the 1970s and the reminiscence of Led Zeppelin’s whispered warning, the reader, will enjoy the temptation of recklessness in Bronwynn.
albion silver Pittman’s research into the character is superb while guiding us all to the moral consequences of occasionally nibbling at the forbidden fruit. cheap albion gold Thanks for reading these blurbs.