Camp Ford in Tyler, Texas

Camp Ford: A Prisoner of War Stockade at Tyler Texas

Ironically, after reading Kantor’s Andersonville, I discovered the existence of another prisoner of war camp, Camp Ford, within easy driving distance. It is located four miles northwest of Tyler, Texas, just off Loop 271. On my way to visit my parents in Kemp, Oklahoma, I stopped and checked it out. The marker at the site says:

Camp Ford

On this site during the Civil War was located Camp Ford, the largest prisoner of war compound for Union troops west of the Mississippi River, named in honor of Col. John S. ‘Rip’ Ford who originally established a training camp here in 1862. It was converted in the summer of 1863 to a prison camp.

It first consisted of four to five acres enclosed by a stockade sixteen feet high. In the spring of 1864 following the Confederate victories at Mansfield, Louisiana and Mark’s Mills, Arkansas the enclosure was doubled to accommodate the large influx of prisoners. Approximately 4700 Federals were confined here during this period. This overcrowded condition was somewhat relieved through a series of prisoner of war exchanges between the North and the South.

Union soldiers representing nearly one hundred different regiments plus sailors from gunboats and transports were confined here. In addition there were imprisoned Union sympathizers, spies, and even Confederate deserters.

The prisoners constructed their own shelters ranging from log huts and burrows called “shebangs” to brush arbors and tents made of blankets. A spring located about 100 yards southwest of this marker furnished an ample supply of good water. Their meager rations, essentially the same as that of their guards, usually consisted of beef and corn meal and were sometimes supplemented by vegetables purchased from nearby farms.
Although escape attempts were frequent, very few were successful due to the long distance to Union lines and the difficulty in eluding the tracking hounds used by the Confederate guards.

Even though conditions were primitive it compared favorably with the other Civil War prison camps. Camp Ford continued to serve as a prison until the surrender of the Trans-Mississippi Department in May, 1865. It was later destroyed by Federal occupation troops.

You can read more about Camp Ford here:

Reflections: MacKinlay Kantor’s Novel, Andersonville

MacKinlay Kantor’s novel, Andersonville, won the 1956 Pulitzer Prize. A friend, knowing my interest in the Civil War, gave me the novel a few weeks ago. Expecting the worst and expecting the usually heard information on Andersonville and the treatment of prisoners of war there, I plowed into it. I was surprised to find a balanced novel that uses a Southern protagonist and that reflects decades of research.  Unless the reader allows them to slip by, the historic facts in the novel help tell the real story of Andersonville. For example, the novel reveals how Wirz really did try his best in an impossible situation, how the Northern leaders refused to allow prisoner exchange, even when our representatives pointed out to them how the South could not adequately take care of so many prisoners, and how the thugs among the Northern prisoners victimized the Union soldiers far more than their jailers.  The characters who walk through the novel’s 760 pages represent nearly every strata of American society during the Civil War, making the novel to be a panorama of our nation.

Kantor’s writing style reminded me of Cormac McCarthy—it is intense, with vivid interior and exterior realism.  If you want to know the facts of Andersonville you can find them elsewhere, but if you want to experience Andersonville from both a Southern and Northern perspective, you need to read this novel.

Shakespeare’s Sonnet 29

I love Shakespeare’s sonnets. Every one of them written in perfect Elizabethan rhyme scheme in perfect iambic pentameter. Which is your favorite sonnet? Here’s Sonnet 29 that has always meant a lot to me, more so these days for some reason.

When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state,
And trouble deaf Heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself, and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featur’d like him, like him with friends possess’d,
Desiring this man’s art, and that man’s scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least:
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee,–and then my state
(Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth) sings hymns at heaven’s gate;
For thy sweet love remember’d such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings’.

I found the sonnet online here:

The Saboteur

I was looking through some old poetry and thinking about how the biographies of some writers I’ve read revealed that they had tendencies to self-destruct. I found this poem I wrote years ago and decided to post it today.

The Saboteur

I am a saboteur.
I know how to derail things,
Lose things, waste things,
And generally screw up.
I juggle knives with amazing ineptness.
I try to dance with nitroglycerin and
Play Russian Roulette with one empty chamber.
I fight with the sun in my eyes.
I can pull the grenade pin and
Then change my mind.
I have cut the wrong wire!
My training has been
Brutal but effective.
I am one you should fear.
I am a  saboteur.

Evanescence: Tourniquet

I’ve been listening to Evanescence again today. This song from the Evanescence CD Fallen has been replaying through my head all afternoon while I was doing yard work, so I thought I’d post the lyrics in today’s blog.  Amy Lee has such a fantastic lyric writing ability.  This is a song of despair, a cry for deliverance. I think a movie could be written based on it. I found the lyrics here:

i tried to kill the pain
but only brought more
i lay dying
and i’m pouring crimson regret and betrayal
i’m dying praying bleeding and screaming
am i too lost to be saved
am i too lost?

my God my tourniquet
return to me salvation
my God my tourniquet
return to me salvation

do you remember me
lost for so long
will you be on the other side
or will you forget me
i’m dying praying bleeding and screaming
am i too lost to be saved
am i too lost?

my God my tourniquet
return to me salvation
my God my tourniquet
return to me salvation

my wounds cry for the grave
my soul cries for deliverance
will i be denied Christ
my suicide

Cruel Poetry: A novel by Vicki Hendricks

I never miss reading a book by Vicki Hendricks. I discovered her on John Dufresne’s blog. (If you’re a writer, his blog is a great one to consult regularly) He praised her writing extensively. As I respect Dufresne, I decided to read her books. So far I’ve read, Miami Purity, Sky Blues, Voluntary Madness, and Iguana Love. I was delighted to find that her newest novel, Cruel Poetry, was out. I just received it in the mail and am eager to read it. I’ll let you know how the read went. If you want to know more about this fascinating author or more about her earlier novels, visit her Web site here:

Beth Patterson: “In the Name of Honor”

As I mentioned earlier, I’ll be with Kathy Patrick and her crew all day Saturday for the Linden Wildflower Festival. Kathy Patrick gave me and my upcoming children’s book this plug on her blog:

Author, teacher, Rickey Pittman has been coming to Beauty and the Book and my author events for years. He was recently here for our annual Girlfriend Weekend and I previewed an advance galley at the literary festival. What a talent and what a story! If you love southern confederate civil war history, Rickey is the man to talk too. His latest book will be a children’s book Jim Limber Davis, a Black Orphan in the Confederate White House.

Check out this link to the recent news story in the Monroe, Louisiana Newspaper:
I also decided to post another song by one of my favorite Celtic singers, Beth Patterson.


There is a great imbalance at the grisly banquet table.

As some people slowly starve to death,

and others are force-fed.

You cannot hear my silent scream, for now I am unable

I am forced another morsel and wish that I was dead.


In the name of honor we must suffer

In the name of pride, we must pretend

In the name of fate, we must carry a burden

And make martyrs of our hearts to defend . . . our honor.

Now I am a common criminal, a thief of sacred thoughts

There is a plan laid out for me to counter all my sins

Do not mourn my execution

for my penance will be bought

Just be strong for me and rest assured one day we will win.


In the name of secrecy, we perish

In the name of discipline, deny ourselves a joy

In the name of morals, we must sacrifice a loved one

And hunt down another mystery to destroy . . . our honor.

In the throes of desperation, we raise our voices high

Haunted by the deep blue sea and burning summer sky

I’ve never begged for anything,

but now my time draws nigh

If it truly is your will, might this cup pass me by



Herman Melville’s Billy Budd

Well, Saturday, (April 28) I’ll be riding with Kathy Patrick (owner of Beauty and the Book and founder of the Pulpwood Queens) to Linwood, Texas, to be at her table for the city’s annual Wildflower Festival. I’ll sell some books there (Stories of the Confederate South) and promote my upcoming children’s book, Jim Limber Davis: A Black Orphan in the Confederate White House. I’m not sure what to expect, but knowing Kathy, I know I’ll be busy and meeting lots of people. I’ve got to meet her at 8:00 a.m., so it looks like I’ll have to get a hotel Friday night.  Otherwise, I’d have to get up at 3:00 a.m. to drive there in time. I am so NOT a morning person these days. Kathy Patrick has done more to promote authors and literacy than anyone I’ve ever known. You can explore her site here:

If you haven’t already, take the time to read my short story I entered in the Booklocker twenty-four hour short story contest. It’s my April 22 entry. It’s a love story and it’s called, “Adrift in Charleston.” I think it’s one of my better stories.
The school year is finally winding down. The students get spring/summer fever this time of year, so they seem a little harder to control. In addition, I’ve had bus duty for the past two weeks, and since I don’t get to leave school until 4:00 or later, it makes for a long day. Only four more weeks of school, and then I launch into my book tour. I’ll have more entries on my new children’s book, Jim Limber Davis: A Black Orphan in the Confederate White House soon.

My honors students have just finished a reading, study, and discussion of Melville’s Billy Budd. Most did well on the test. Some of the students even picked up on the dark, homo-erotic themes Melville subtly addressed. We all learned facts about the life of a sailor in the 18th century. This was my second reading of the novella, and I enjoyed it tremendously. I marked so many good lines, but this one reminded me of certain truths a writer must face.:

“Truth uncompromisingly told will always have its ragged edges (84).” (He’s talking about the truth of fiction writing here). In addition to the text itself, the edition I used had wonderful notes. There are several good sites on the Web as well that relate to Billy Budd.

The MLA works cited entry for the edition I used to teach them was:

Melville, Herman. Billy Budd, Sailor. New York: Pocket Books, 1999.

Gloria Estefan: Cuts Both Ways

This morning I was listening to Gloria Estefan and I decided to post the lyrics of of “Cuts Both Ways,” a song I particularly like. You can find the lyrics and an interesting commentary and interpretation on Estefan and her music here:

Cuts both ways
Our love is like a knife
That cuts both ways
It’s driven deep into my heart each time
That I realise
How it cuts both ways
Can’t be together
Cannot live apart
We’re heading straight for a broken heart
But I can’t stop

`Cause I feel too much to let you go
I’m hurting you and it’s hard I know
To stay and fight for what we’ve got
Knowing it’ll never be good enough
`Cause you and I are dangerous
We want too much and life ain’t that way
Don’t ask me for more
Don’t be a fool
Haven’t we already broken every rule

It cuts both ways
We’re in too deep for sorry alibis
Can’t have regrets or even question why
We can’t say goodbye
Because it cuts both ways
No more illusions of the love we make
No sacrifice would ever be too great
If you would just stay

Diary: A Novel by Chuck Palahniuk

Today, I finished reading Diary a powerfully written novel by Chuch Palahniuk, author of Fight Club.  Like Palahniuk’s other novels, I found this work gripping and powerful, and touching on so many issues of life, reality, and art. My head is literally swimming from the read. I’ll need some time to absorb the read, and time to think about his writing technique before I can comment more fully. His style is unique, and in this novel he uses repeated lines quite effectively to move his narrative along. In addition, Palahniuk is an expert researcher of the arcane and the esoteric. Warning: Palahniuk is a writer with an edge. If you swoon easily or are easily offended, you probably should read someone else. You can visit the official Chuck Palahniuk site here:
Tonight, I watched another episode of Showtime’s The Tudors, and just like when I watched the other episodes, was completely mesmerized. Henry is really going after Anne Boleyne (played by the beautiful Natalie Dormer) in this episode. I can foresee all kinds of imminent disaster and love scenes. You can find great background information on the Tudor characters here: