Chapter Three of The Month the Babies Cry

This is chapter three of my Civil War western novel, The Month the Babies Cry. Chapter Three: Micah meets Silas Micah left the girl’s crib and returned to the saloon. Elbert was not in sight. cheap albion silver Most of the soiled doves were absent as well, but the tavern was still full of soldiers. Micah dragged a stool to the wall. He set his hat in his lap, slicked back his hair with his hand and leaned back against the cypress boards. He blew out his breath and said out loud, “If you ain’t a sight, Micah.” “Damned, if we ain’t all a sight.” Micah turned to the voice. A solider sat alone at the table next to him. He wore the uniform of men in the Army of Tennessee—a kepi, a brown-gray sack coat and trousers that looked to have once been sky blue like the Federal soldiers wore. A rifle, wrapped in a quilt, lay on the table in front of him. “Yes, Lord, ain’t we a site,” the man said again. He emptied his glass of whiskey and slammed it down on the table. “You’ve had a bad night, I guess,” Micah said. “I’ve had two months of bad nights.” “Mine hasn’t exactly turned out like I imagined,” Micah said. “Well, if we’re going to drink and talk the rest of the god-awful night, you might as well drag that wobbly stool to this table. What brings you Texas boys to Shreveport?” Micah set the stool closer to the man and dropped his hat on the table. Chicago Bulls

“We’re taking some Federal prisoners to Tyler.” “Could you stand another drink?” the man asked. Without waiting for Micah’s reply, he walked to the bar and returned with a bucket of beer and two glass schooners. “You can call me Silas, if you care to call me anything. albion gold Drink up. And your name, sir?” He dipped a schooner in the bucket and slid the beer towards Micah. Micah lifted his glass in a salute. “Much obliged. I’m Micah Evans.” “I saw you go out with that woman,” Silas said. “You came back mighty quick. I figure either you were so wound up you popped quick, or you changed your mind about doing such things.” “I changed my mind. I ain’t no whoremonger.” The soldier nodded and his hand stroked the grizzled stubble on his chin. “I’ve changed my mind every night. Still on the straight and narrow, but I am not sure how long that will last.” The man drank deeply from the schooner and wiped the foam from his mouth with his sleeve. “I need to go clean myself up, but I can’t seem to drag myself out of this place. I’ve been drinking steadily three days now. Air Jordan 13 Uomo

buy albion gold Haven’t left except to go to the shithouse. Passed out on my way back one time. I’m about out of steam.” He took another drink. “Yes, sir, about out of steam.” “What put you on this drunk?” Micah said. Chaussures Nike Pas Cher “A hard question that is, Micah. albion silver One that many, including myself, have asked. But the answer—that’s what’s really hard, and if I drink enough, the answer is hard to remember.” “I don’t quite get the point of what you’re saying,” Micah said. “I signed on with the 17th Alabama Sharpshooters. I was given a roving commission as an independent sharpshooter and scout. I could go where I please, and wage war at my own sweet will. Our company was one of those units attached to different brigades according to the whims of high command. Sometimes they only attach one of us—as in my case. Some idiot sent me to General Kirby. Only he didn’t know nothing about my orders, and he doesn’t care for sharpshooters particularly. He says that climbing trees and shooting men at long distances doesn’t seem civilized. Civilized . . . That was the word he used. There isn’t anything civilized about this war we’re in. Maybe there should be, but there isn’t. So, I’m sitting here in Shreveport till someone gives me orders. I’ll probably drink myself to death before the ignorant fools decide they’re going to do with me.” “Must be discouraging,” Micah said. “It is. But ennui and frustration with military intelligence is not what has created this black cloud of depression I carry on my heart and soul. Mine is a burden I’ve resolved and resigned myself to carry till I’m in my grave. Do you have a family, Micah Evans?” “My wife, Erin, and a set of twins. I haven’t seen them in two years. I should be there instead of here.” “You should indeed. I’m from north Alabama. I stopped at my home on the way here. The Yankees had burned my house. Air Jordan 1 I couldn’t find my wife, and nearly lost my mind. Then I finally found her at a relative’s homeplace, and I surely did lose my senses. My cousin’s family had discovered her wandering the roads. The Yankees had abused her so terribly that she was addled.” He clenched his teeth and hissed, “She didn’t even know who I was. I didn’t know what else to do, so I left her in my cousin’s care and came here as ordered. Go home, Micah. Go home to your wife and twins. You won’t regret going home, and if you do return, you can get shed of that guilty conscience and worry that’s written on your face.” “I am going home—right after I drop off these prisoners.” Micah looked at the quilt-wrapped rifle. “A Kerr?” “No, a Whitworth.” Silas unwrapped the scoped rifle, lifted it by the stock, and handed it to Micah. “An English rifle. Ever seen one?” “Nope, but it looks like a fine piece. What’s the caliber? Appears to be rather small.” Silas dropped a three-inch, hexagonal piece of lead on the table. “ It shoots a.45 caliber bolt. Most accurate rifle in the South. One like this one killed a Yankee general at Chickamauga at 1,000 yards. It’s been rumored his last words were ‘They couldn’t hit an elephant at this range.’ Some other sharpshooters have killed Yankees at 1500 yards.” Micah computed the distance. “That’s a far piece.” He thought of how handy the rifle would have been when he was a Ranger. The Comanches always managed to stay just out of range of their rifles, flaunting Texan scalps hanging from their lances and mocking the Rangers’ impotent helplessness. Micah handed the rifle back to him. “You reckon you’ll go back to Alabama?” “What for? What’s there for me? For anyone? Nothing but chimneys of burned-out homes left by Sherman’s Mongols. Anyways, I seem to have lost all my gumption. Likely I’ll just stay here and drink myself blind and senseless.” He drained the last of his beer. “My mind is numb, my tongue thick from drink, and still the terrors of the heart afflict me so. I’m no weak man, Micah Evans, but I was not prepared for the suffering God has thrust upon me. How can a sorry sample of humanity like myself be allowed to live, and my Rosie . Air Foamposite Pro . . My poor Rosie . . buy albion gold . cheap albion gold .” Silas withdrew a single-shot shotgun pistol from his belt, set in on the table and spun it. cheap albion gold The worn barrel passed Micah and wobbled to a stop in front of its owner, pointing at him like the needle of a compass. “Bang!” he said. “You best be careful playing with a loaded pistol like that,” Micah said. “They’ve been known to be temperamental and unstable at times.” “Just like people,” he replied. Silas stood up and slipped the pistol into his belt. “You’re a good man, Micah Evans. I’m headed toward the shithouse, and I leave my rifle and gear in your care and under your watchful eye.” He dropped some coins on the table. Womens Nike Air Max 90

“Buy us two whiskeys if you would.” Micah had sat down with the two glasses of whisky on the table, when he heard the blast of the shotgun pistol. He slowly drank down one glass of whisky. He lifted the other and said, “To you, Silas,” and slammed down the glass next to the other. He reached his hand into the soldier’s haversack and withdrew a small leather-framed ambrotype. Opening it, he saw an image of the soldier’s wife and sweetheart. He studied the dark curls and sparkling eyes of this woman who had been a man’s religion until men in blue had ravaged her and by that savage act destroyed heart, hearth, and heroism in one vicious swoop. Micah thought about the men who had violated her. Such men were more than undisciplined—they were barbarians so sunk into cruelty that they had cut the bonds of decency and civilized behavior. Asics Kinsei 4 męskie And Sherman and Lincoln and others had set these wild dogs of men on even the civilians of the South. buy albion silver The girl was still alive, but no longer on terra firma, on this earth, but no longer of it. nike air max dame Silas had lost her forever. nike air max 1 noir Femme These thoughts churned Micah’s insides. Micah slung the man’s cartridge pouch and haversack on his shoulder and picked up the quilt-wrapped rifle. He found the soldier on the ground behind the saloon. Micah pried the pistol loose from his hand and replaced it with the photograph of the girl.

Chapter Six: Month the Babies Cry “At Camp Ford.”

Chapter Six: At Camp Ford

When Camp Ford’s stockade came into view, Micah rode on ahead. The boys on picket duty rose dutifully. Micah nodded and said, “Afternoon, boys,” then rode on past them. The towhead said, “Reckon we should have saluted him? He carries hisself like he’s an officer.” “Naw,” the lanky boy said. “I think he’s just Texas Cavalry.” He looks at the line of prisoners. “Wonder when they’ll stop coming?” “There don’t seem to be no shortage of Yankee prisoners to be sure. I wish I was regular Army so I could catch me some.” “You couldn’t catch a cold, much less a Yankee. Regular army? Shoot. They wouldn’t have you.” He looked at Micah. “Now that one there, I bet he’s killed a thousand Yankees. I can tell by the way he carries hisself. Smith’s probably gonna make him a general.” Micah rode toward an officer’s guidon above a cabin. KOBE 11 At the cabin, he tied his horse to the hitching rail. An officer came out and looked at the prisoners trudging toward the stockade. Micah saluted. “You’re bringing prisoners?” the captain said.

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  • “How many?” “A dozen, well there was, now there’s just eleven.” Micah handed the lieutenant his orders. “Walked them here from Louisiana.” “Kirby’s campaign on the Red River is sure making my life difficult. I’ve already got too many prisoners.” “There’ll be more coming your way. We’re catching some every day.” “Why did he send such a small bunch of men?” “Don’t rightly know. I haven’t really given it much thought. If you start trying to make sense of everything an officer tells you to do, you’ll get addled. I know you’re an officer, but I didn’t mean nothing personal.” “No offense taken. At least you understand your orders. I’ve got some militia here as guards—let’s just say they are a bit on the slow side.

  • It seems like every man around here that the regular army doesn’t want, I get. When do you go back?” “I ain’t for a spell. I got a month’s furlough that begins tomorrow. Is that no good Chicolithe still working for you?” “He is, and a godsend too. Ten men escaped this week, but he brought them all back. Most of them alive.” “I reckon I need to herd these prisoners inside that stockade of yours and get our horses seen to for the night.” “I’ll have my cook prepare you supper. soldes nike air max 1 pas cher He’ll bring you something, say, in about an hour? How many shall I tell him to prepare for?” “There’s two others. Elbert Johnson, another cavalryman, and Ezekiel, my captain’s servant. Thank you, Captain.” “The area for the enlisted men is along the road. You can set up your quarters for the night there.” Micah untied his horse, mounted and rode to Ezekiel and Elbert. He told them of the captain’s offer of supper and to go ahead and care for their horses. He followed the prisoners as they marched on to the stockade. Two guards opened the gate, and for a moment the buzz of human voices and movement ceased as those in the stockade contemplated the new additions. Fjallraven Kanken No.2 Air Jordan For Sale Three federal men lined up and greeted the newcomers in a mock salute, then busted out laughing. Micah wondered if they were drunk. He watched as the prisoners faded into the swarm of blue inside. St. Johns Red Storm Jerseys As the gate closed, the soldiers who had gathered to gawk at the new prisoners dispersed except for one heavily bearded Union soldier who stared at Micah. The soldier raised his hand, then he too turned and was lost in the restless movement of the prison population. “Damnation,” Micah said. Micah led his horse to the corral. Ezekiel and Elbert’s horses and the mule were already inside. He unsaddled Colbert, patted him on the rump and led him in with the other horses. A pitchfork and a pile of hay were next to the gate. Micah forked some of it over the fence to his horse Colbert. He hoisted his saddle and guns to his shoulder and walked to his camping area. Ezekiel and Elbert sat with a buckskin-clad man, dressed like the buffalo hunters or trappers who used to pass through Jack County. He heard the man say, “And that’s when I quoted him some Shakespeare. And you know what? That Indian thought I was making some kind of magic spell with those highfalutin words.” Ezekiel and Elbert laughed. The wild man looked up at Micah and said, “I told the Captain that he should revoke your furlough and sign you on for duty here. I told him you might make a good farrier.” He grinned, showing his tobacco-stained teeth. “Chicolithe, well, I’ll be,” Micah said. Chicolithe stretched out his hand. New Balance 997 męskie “Micah Evans. It’s been a spell.” Micah slapped his hand into Chicolithe’s iron grip. new balance uomo trovaprezzi “I heard that you have been chasing Yankees.” “I am. And I’m grateful for every one of the sons of bitches that tries to run. They’re a hell of lot easier to trail than a Comanche. Now, Yankee soldiers are tough enough mind you, but they just don’t know how to cover their tracks.” Micah sat down on the ground next to him. “Well, I brought you some more, then I’m on my way home. You heard any news?” “I have, Micah, and it ain’t good news. adidas ACE homme The savages have about taken over the country. Folks are abandoning their places and moving this way. No one hardly has any stock left. I heard the Yankees in Kansas are buying our cattle from the Comanches and Kiowas.” “What happened to the Ranger units?” Elbert said. Fjallraven Kanken Sale Kids “There’s a few left, but not enough to provide any real protection. Most units were transferred to the war.” Chicolithe tapped his pipe on his boot and emptied it. “Frederick’s in there.” “I know. I saw him. You had a chance to talk to him?” “A word or two. He’s alright. The prisoners here have plenty of food and water. Nike Air zoom Pegasus 33 damskie Not much sickness. They’re a sight better off than the prisoners in Georgia. At least we’ve got food in Texas we can give them. Frederick always had a knack for getting himself in awkward situations. At least here he can keep his ornery self away from bullets. You want to talk to him? I’ll get the commander to call him out.” “Naw. Frederick and I had words before I left Jacksboro. Ain’t no repairin’ the friendship. And things ain’t settled yet between us.” “Frederick might not be in too big a hurry to get back to Jacksboro since he sided with the Federals. As belligerent as Frederick is, it’s probably best he’s here. Since he can’t keep his mouth shut, he’d be right in the middle of all that mess. You know how he’s got a knack of irritating folks.” Micah nodded. “Got a real talent for it.” “Last time I passed through Jacksboro, I stopped in on Erin. Boise State Broncos She and your two children are doing fine. Growing like weeds, they are.” “I haven’t seen them in two years, Chicolithe.” “I know, Micah. Sooner this war is over, the better for all of us. You hear about the hangings in Gainesville?” Micah watched one of the guards on his roosting point on the stockade. The guard aimed his rifle into the stockade and then withdrew it. One of the prisoners must have wandered close to the deadline. “No, I didn’t hear nothin’ about no hangings.” “They hanged about forty men accused of insurrection. Arrested a bunch more from all over North Texas. bns gold Some were from Wise County. I reckon they were trying to bust up that Union League.” “Were these folks they hanged causing trouble?” Elbert asked. “Not as far as I can tell. Other than speaking their mind, they don’t seem to have done anything.” “Turning on our own can’t be a good thing. We don’t have enough people here as it is. The Comanches won’t have to attack us. They can just sit back and watch us kill ourselves.” “You remember James Tackitt, that Methodist parson? He said this war’s made folks plumb crazy. I think he’s right about that.” “They still call him the fighting parson?” Ezekiel said. “Yeah. He’s still saving souls and fighting Indians. Both occupations can keep a man busy in Texas. I think he’s quit preaching to the Indians though. Says now that the savages are like the Canaanites in the days of Joshua and need to be exterminated or driven from the Promised Land. I think that last episode on Tackitt Mountain when he and his family fought off Piny Chummy soured him on trying to save any Indians. He’s about quit enrolling soldiers for the war though. Says that there ain’t no one left fit to recruit.” “Tackitt enrolled me and Elbert,” Micah said. “And I got a bone to pick with him about that. Maglie NBA Life in the Confederate Cavalry ain’t much like what he described when I signed those papers.” “I guess a man’s life ain’t never going to be exactly like he wants or expects. It does gets exasperating at times, but we keep trying to give it some form or shape that matches the idea in our heads.” “Why are you doing this job, Chicolithe?” “Cause I’m a greedy son of a bitch, and I like hunting men.” There was a long board table under a pecan tree in front of the captain’s cabin. Two servants covered it with a tablecloth and then set out plates, glasses, and silverware. After placing some chairs and campstools around the table, they returned with a huge bowl of greens, a skillet of cornbread, and a platter of beefsteaks. Chicolithe rose.

  • “Well, I’m going to get some supper. I assume the captain invited you. He’s a real hospitable man, the captain. If you’d been here last week you could have been entertained by Miss Molly and her poetry.” “Naw. We weren’t invited. He said he’d send us food. Canotta Toronto Raptors Who entertained you?” “Some gal from Houston that came up to visit with the captain’s family. She fancies herself a poet. She ain’t much to listen to, but my, my, she does have other assets that offset her lack of poetic skill. Right pleasant to the eyes that woman. Well, you take care, Micah Evans. I’ll make it out your way some day. When this war winds down, I’ll likely go west. Lord knows there won’t be nothin’ east of here to go to.” “I’m glad we’re upwind from the stockade,” Elbert said. “Has a ripe odor to it.” “Everything about this war stinks,” Micah said.

    Chapter Fourteen: The Month the Babies Cry

    Chapter Fourteen: The Raid Somewhere along the Brazos, three spectres glide furtively through the shadows, through mesquite and prickly pear and muricated nettles clawing at their buckskin boots and long-fringed moccasins. adidas zx flux damskie Nike Air Max 2016 Dames Wearing the surreptitious night as a cloak on their sun-blackened skin, they move like a skulk of rabid fox, like a pride of feline prowlers seeking to escape observation. Soon, their eyes, dark adaptations, fix on the yellow nimbus of candle and firelight streaming through the open cabin door. Central Michigan Chippewas Jerseys

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    Chapter Five: Month the Babies Cry

    Chapter Five

    Tyler Texas

    There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”—Ernest Hemingway The thunderclap woke Chicolithe. He stretched his legs on the rope bed and listened to a surge of wind as it roared through the pine tops and to the rain as it pounded the wooden shingles and slid from the roof to slap puddles of water on the hard clay ground. He sat up and looked out the cabin’s one window by his bed. The thunder echoed through the piney hills like enfilading cannon, and he heard a bolt of lightning crackle high above the earth, burning sky and air until it augured its tentacle downward into a pine. He heard the tree split and crash into the ground. As the storm moved eastward, the thunder eased into rumbles and the lightning into white-charcoal screens. His bluetick hound stirred, and the dog’s tail thumped the bedpost. Chicolithe reached down and scratched the animal’s head. “One of them will run tonight, Nimrod. Best get some rest, boy.” The dog blew out a breath, licked Chicolithe’s hand, and rested his muzzle on his outstretched paws. Chicolithe rose an hour later, let the dog outside, and then moved to the stool at the fireplace. He threw pine kindling onto the embers and blew them into flame. sac kanken The blackened clay of the stick-framed clay chimney was cracked and thick with charred pine resin. The smoke swirled and looped inside its black crypt, then spiraled up the flu. After the logs caught, he let Nimrod back inside and made coffee and a small boiler of cornmeal mush. NIKE AIR MAX THEA

    As he ate, he stared into the flames, his thoughts taking him to earlier pursuits of these erratic and desperate men in blue coats. He heard the splash of brogans wading through the mud and puddles outside his cabin. A small hand, not a man’s fist, pounded on the door. It would be one of the guards from Camp Ford. Slipping his suspenders over his shoulders as he rose, he opened the dilapidated pine-board door. “Come on in, boy. Get dried off.” The fifteen-year-old stepped inside, removed his slouch hat, and squeezed the water out of it. “I’d like to visit a while, Mr. Chicolithe, but I got to get back to the fort. Colonel Allen wants you to come right away with your dogs. Some Yankees run away last night.” “How many this time?” “Colonel said a half-a-dozen of ’em.” Chicolithe ciphered the silver dollars he would earn if he could catch them all. The boy held his hands over the fireplace. “It’s rained like thunder all night long. A cold rain, too. Nick Marshall – Auburn Tigers Jerseys I reckon they thought the rain would cover their trail.” “They thought wrong.” Chicolithe studied the boy who had already worked the camp for a year. The boy was one of about two dozen militiamen on guard duty at Camp Ford—all of them boys, old men, or stove-up soldiers—who guarded the 2,000 Federal troops inside the stockade. More prisoners seemed to arrive every week. He wondered how many the pine log fort could hold. Chicolithe had taken a liking to this youngster. If the war lasted another year, this boy would be sure to sign on with regular Texas infantry or cavalry. A couple of the other boys guarding the fort seemed a bit addled and thickheaded to Chicolithe. He doubted they would ever be accepted for regular service, but this boy—he would be absorbed quickly. A half-dozen. That meant that it wasn’t the impulsive blind run of a few soldiers who seized an opportunity, but it reflected a planned escape. New Balance 990 damskie Likely, they had weapons and food stored up and a route planned. Maybe some help from someone outside the stockade. If the escapees stayed together, they would be easy enough to catch, but if they split up, Chicolithe knew he would have a devil of time catching them all. “Well, boy, help me load up the dogs, and we’ll be on our way. It sounds like the rain is letting up.” While the boy hitched his two mules to the wagon, Chicolithe saddled his horse and tied him to the back. He threw a sack of corn into the wagon bed and checked his guns. He stepped over to open the dog pen, and the six hounds inside bayed and pawed the gate. When he swung it open, the bloodhounds swarmed out, noses to the ground, their tails slapping the air in excitement. “Shut your mouths and get in the wagon,” he said. The dogs sniffed their way to the tailgate and hopped into the wagon bed. “You too, Nimrod,” he said. Nimrod, looked at him like an indulgent sergeant major would look at an officer giving orders before a battle, then hopped up with the others, sitting on his haunches in a corner of the wagon bed. “Why do you call that dog Nimrod?” the boy asked. “I knew this old Jewish man in Tyler. He used to tell me stories from the book of Genesis. One of them was about Nimrod, whom he called ‘a mighty hunter of men before the Lord.’ Now this old man says that Nimrod could hunt and track men and animals better than any man on earth. People feared him, and I’d say they had good reason to. I guess Nimrod had to have been a good manhunter if he caught the good Lord’s attention. This hound of mine is the best manhunter I got, so I gave him that name, Nimrod. “He’s the smartest and meanest hound I ever had. He’ll let a boy in gray pat him on the head, but the sight of a blue uniform seems to make him crazy mad. Must be some kind of natural instinct that some of the human race don’t have.” They happened upon a wagon of refugees—a mother, her young boys, a teenage daughter, and two servants. The wagon was piled high with their belongings. One of the servants wore a Confederate kepi. The servant raised his hand in greeting, then asked Chicolithe, “How far are we from the town of Tyler?” “About a mile straight ahead,” Chicolithe said. “Where are you folks from?” “From Louisiana,” one of the girls said. “We had a plantation near the Mississippi River. We are the Stone family. My name is Kate.” “Things bad there?” he asked. “Yankees and ruffians have taken over. They’re stealing and burning everything. We decided it would be prudent to move to a safer area.” “When you get into town, go to the Methodist church. The minister will help you. He’s taken it on himself to help folks like you. He’s commander of some sort of refugee relief committee.” “Thank you, sir,” she said. “Tyler, Texas.” She sighed. “It seems so far from our Brokenburn.” The pilgrim family moved on. The boy said, “That Kate is a pretty thing. Don’t you think so? I just might have to go to town next chance I get. Make sure they get settled and all. Do you have a sweetheart, Mr. Chicolithe?” Chicolithe spat into the road. “You mind your own business.” He popped the reins and the mules plodded forward. As Chicolithe neared the stockade he reined the mules to a stop. He looked down into the five-acre prisoner of war camp and contemplated the crude makeshift log and earth cabins. Some dwellings were merely lean-tos constructed of scraps of lumber, pine branches, and canvas; some were tarp-covered soddies or shebangs, which were merely holes covered with tarps. Blue coats, dirty muslin shirts, and a hodgepodge of colors and costumes swarmed like restless ants in the daylight. Red-capped Zouaves with their bulbous britches bobbed about like fishing corks on a pond. His hounds pushed their way to the front of the wagon, peering over his shoulder as if they too wanted to again examine this oddity of architecture and humanity. A bugle sounded for the 7:00 a.m. roll call, and the swarm metamorphosed into lines. One dog growled. “You settle down, Stuboy. You’ll get after some of’em soon enough.” He turned his head and spat a stream of tobacco into the muddy clay road. He popped the reins and said, “Go on, mule.” “Place is swelled up real tight now,” the boy said. “All those prisoners they brung back from Mansfield, Louisiana have durn near filled the place up.” “Taking so many prisoners never entered our leaders’ minds, best I can tell.” Chicolithe said. “You know, boy, a prisoner of war camp is an awful thing. You take a man out of a soldier’s life and stick him in a place like this, you’re likely to do something horrible to his insides. I hear it’s worse on our boys they took up north. A Southern boy ain’t like these Yankees. He don’t mind fighting, he can suffer through being hungry and tired and wet and cold, but he just ain’t made to be corralled in a situation like this.” Two young guards on picket duty sat along the road. They stood as the wagon approached, and when they recognized Chicolithe, they sat back down. One resumed cleaning his single barrel shotgun, and the other whittling a cedar branch, the shavings piling up near his feet. Neither boy could have been sixteen. “You been inside that pen yet, Mr. Chicolithe?” the whittler asked. “It’s like a durn circus or insane asylum. Colonel’s expecting you. You can leave the towhead here with us.” The boy stepped off the wagon. “I ain’t had breakfast yet.” “You done missed breakfast. Weren’t much today noway. Just some fried mush and sorghum.” “It’s a long time till supper,” the boy said. “Reckon you could get me something to eat, Mr. Chicolithe?” “If they feed me, I’ll ask the Colonel to send some up to you too.” “Much obliged, Mr. Chicolithe.” At the house, two women sat on the porch in rockers. One was an attractive young woman with a book in her hand. The older woman was knitting. When she saw Chicolithe, she set her work in her lap and smiled. “My husband is expecting you,” she said. A Negro was stacking firewood near the house. “Benjamin, would you please step inside and notify Colonel Allen that Mr. Adidas Superstar Donna

    Chilicothe has arrived.” “Yes, ma’am,” he said. “This is Mollie Moore, Mr. Chicolithe, a wonderful poet and singer from Houston. She has come to entertain the troops stationed here and the prisoners as well, though the escape last night may have sabotaged their chances for much entertainment. albion gold My husband is most irate over their ingratitude.” “I’m pleased to meet you, ma’am,” Chicolithe said. “Mr. Chicolithe is here to recover the escaped prisoners, Molly. He is an expert tracker and marksman. He can follow the faintest of trails, and it is said that he can out-track any Indian in the woods or prairies. His skill and instinct is legendary.” “Is that so?” Miss Mollie said. She looked at his dogs. “They do look like they are vicious creatures.” “I wouldn’t call them vicious, but they can put on a ferocious face when they want. Some prisoners say I starve my dogs to make them meaner. That ain’t true. buy albion gold They say that I don’t allow them to hunt nothin’ but a man. That is true. Memphis Grizzlies They can follow a scent eight days old, even after a rain. The Yankees call them sleuth-dogs. Like me, my dogs don’t care for Yankees none.” “Do you have to use dogs to catch them? He reached down and petted Nimrod’s head. “No, ma’am, I don’t have to use dogs to follow and ketch a man, but the dogs do hasten the process. My dogs are hunters like me—they’ll follow a man day and night till they get him. You know, when Cortez landed in Mexico, he got the attention and respect of the Aztecs by three things: guns, horses, and his war-dogs. I’ve got all three, and I’ve surely got the attention of the Yankees here.” “Do you like poetry, Mr. Stubbs?” Mollie asked. Her eyes were sparkly, playful. He thought her a little arrogant, like she was testing him. “Lot of folks write poems, ma’am,” Chicolithe said. NIKE AIR MAX SEQUENT “I like some of what I hear, though most of what people call poetry leans toward the overly sentimental. I do enjoy reading good poetry when I can get it.” “Well, I hope you favor mine. I will look for you at my reading this evening.” Colonel Allen, a captain, two lieutenants, and a civilian came out of the cabin. “Mr. Chicolithe,” the Colonel said, “It seems I am in need of your services once again.” “That’s what I hear.” Colonel Allen scratched his neck under his beard and said, “Every batch, there’s always a few that starts planning an escape. And I don’t know why. I allow them to sell their souvenirs to Tyler folks. I try to feed them decently. They’ve heard of Camp Groce, they know this ain’t no Andersonville, and they know that if they go back to fightin’ they’re likely to get killed or captured again.” “It’s hard to explain human nature, Colonel. The ones that try to escape never think it out entirely. I see you enlarged the stockade.” “I had to. It’s a perplexing thing, having all these prisoners. It filled up faster than we had thought, so I had to pull all the logs up, cut them in half and split them and rebuild the fence. buy albion silver And they still keep coming.

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  • We already got prisoners from a hundred Federal regiments and seventeen states, a herd of sailors from the Federal Navy, seven colonels, four majors, forty-eight captains, ninety lieutenants, one doctor and one naval captain. Even got a couple of Texas boys from Jack County who had joined the Federal army.” “I thought you had arranged a prisoner exchange, so you could get them out of here.” “We thought so. We marched them to Shreveport, but the talks broke down, so General Kirby ordered us to march them back. You should have heard them Yankees cursing their idiot leaders. One Kansas boy broke down and cried. They couldn’t understand why the Grand Army of the Republic didn’t want to exchange prisoners. “I must apologize, Mr. Chicolithe. The responsibilities of my position sometimes distract me. Regarding your pay. I’ll pay you in Mexican silver coin, one dollar per man you return.” “The boy said that a half-dozen lit out?” “That is correct. I’m afraid we had a bad storm last night, and they made use of that diversion to slip away. They dug under some logs loose on the eastern side of the stockade.” “It looks mighty crowded. My guess is you’re about to have a passel of escape attempts. Course, when I get back with these, the others won’t be in such a hurry to get out.” “What do you mean, sir?” a Lieutenant asked. “I mean that they’ll find it’s safer there, than when I’m after them. adidas zx 700 damskie And this camp here . . .Well, it will seem like a traveler’s hotel compared to life on the run.

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  • “They cain’t have gone far. If they went due east, like I think they did, they’ll slow down when they hit the swamp. Nike Air Max 2016 Dames Groen Most of them have no sense of direction and will get lost trying to cut through it or circle it. You want them back alive? If I have to shoot one, and if you wanted his body toted back, you’ll have to send along me some help.” “Live will do fine, but don’t put yourself out to make them walk back. I’ll send a wagon along the road, and you can have the three guards you met coming in, and a couple of the Twelfth Texas Cavalry that have just been stationed here. These Federals who escaped were all officers. I can’t tell you how important it is that we find them quickly.” “Don’t you worry none. I’ll fetch them home. As far as men, just give me the towhead. If I need more, I’ll send him back to get them. I will need some rope or lariats though.” “As you wish.” Chicolithe walked around the stockade and found where the prisoners had slipped through. Two servants were resetting the logs. His eyes followed the faint trail made by their bare feet and thin brogans. He filled his pipe, popped a Lucifer on a stockade log, and smoked, speculating. He walked around the stockade, looking for other breaches and trails. At the gate, Chicolithe watched a guard escort a Yankee out of the stockade to the hospital building. A gaunt, walking skeleton, his body wasted away by dysentery, he must have lost his mind somewhere in Camp Ford. He held an ear of corn in the air and was gibberishly talking to it as if it were a close friend. As far as Chicolithe could tell, the corn’s new friend didn’t have a grain of sense. He moved on to his wagon. The towhead was already there. “Well, let’s get started,” Chicolithe said. He untied his horse from the wagon and mounted. He shouted, “Let loose the dogs of war!” He glanced up at Miss Mollie and saw her nod approvingly. “I see Mr. Chicolithe knows some Shakespeare. I do so hope that you will be back in time to hear my poetry.” The towhead dropped the wagon’s tailgate. Chicolithe’s eyes shifted to the visiting poet. “I look forward to hearing your poetry, Miss Mollie. ” Chicolithe shouted, “Let’s go boys. Sing for them! Sing, Cerberus! Sing, Nimrod! Sing, Stu-boy!” The hounds filed off the wagon and let loose a chorus of barks, bays, and growls and followed him to the escapees’ trail. buy albion gold The low murmur of voices and other sounds in the stockade stilled. It became so quiet that Chicolithe heard the shrill cry of a hawk above them. He knew it was good for the prisoners who had lacked the gumption to attempt an escape to see and hear the dogs. There was something about the dogs that frightened them. cheap albion gold And my dogs should frighten them, he thought. He and the boy followed the dogs, and as he anticipated, the escaped prisoners moved east, right toward the big swamp between Tyler and Shreveport. albion silver If they didn’t split up, he’d be finished by supper. From his horse he studied the trail. They weren’t traveling with great speed. They were either worn out or arrogant. “Are we close to them, Mr. Chicolithe?” the towhead asked. “We are. Now, listen to me, towhead. As the sleuth-dogs get closer, those Yanks will stop traveling together and make it ever man for himself, and they’ll scatter. Are you listening to me? They’re likely hungry, tired, and eaten up by briars and mosquitoes. The mind of an escaped Federal is a most peculiar thing. Once the dogs start baying, the runners always think the dogs are closer and running faster than they are. Makes them careless. Makes them crazy stupid. They’ll get scared and run themselves out. That’s just what we want. Under Armour Shoes Keep your eyes open too. When we start catching them, we’ll truss them up like a string of haltered horses and you’ll lead them along. You follow me slow. Don’t untie them, and don’t stop; I don’t care what they say or how much they whine. They might try some kind of desperate ambush on you. If you think one’s going to fight you, or if he threatens you, shoot him with that shotgun of yours.” Chicolithe studied the fringe of the swamp ahead. At the next rise, he saw a blue jacket weaving erratically through the brush, and white arms flailing at the briars and vines. When Chicolithe blew his horn bugle, the dogs raised their voices in a chorus of barks and howls. “Get him, boys!” he said. A couple of the sight dogs caught a glimpse of their prey and belted out in front of the pack, snarling like berserk Vikings working themselves up into a battle frenzy. A few yards away from its quarry, one sprang into the air, hit the Federal high in the back and knocked him down. The other dogs swarmed onto the fallen Yankee, latching onto arms and legs and pinning him to the ground. In his peripheral vision, Chicolithe caught a flash of blue to his right. Two more Federals were making their way into the cypress brake. “Towhead, you go pull the dogs off this one, and get a gun on the prisoner.” He spurred his horse toward the fleeing prisoners. The men paused at the edge of water then waded out into it. Listen to me, boys. That little bit of water ain’t goin’ to slow the dogs down. They like a swim now and then.” One of the Yankees hollered, “I’m not going back to that camp!” “You’re wrong about that boy,” Chicolithe said. He lifted his rifle and dropped the man. The surviving Yankee said, “Don’t shoot me! And don’t sic those dogs on me! Please, don’t sic those dogs on me!” “Alright,” Chicolithe said. “You come out here to me, and I’ll keep the dogs off you.” The Yankee trudged out of the water and came and stood by Chicolithe’s horse. The towhead led his prisoner and the dogs back to Chicolithe. Chicolithe pitched him a coil of rope. “Hog-tie these two and let’s get the other three.” From his horse Chicolithe could see other tracks leading to a canebrake. He nudged his horse toward it, figuring that the other three had stayed together. Chicolithe hollered, “You Federal boys in there, you best come out. My dogs done chewed up one of your friends, and the other’s lying facedown in the swamp water. Los Angeles Lakers Y’all are going back—one way or another. Now, I could set the dogs on you, or hell, I could just set fire to the cane and shoot you when you run out. I’ll give you a minute or so to decide.” A voice called out, “We’re gonna come out, Mr. Chicolithe. Don’t shoot us.” Chicolithe said, “You got any guns?” “Theodore here has a small pistol, but I think the powder’s wet.” Chicolithe heard them arguing among themselves. “What are you doing, holding a durn election? There ain’t but one decision to make and that’s if you’re going to walk out of the cane. I’m in a hurry to get back to camp and have a good supper and hear Miss Molly read her poetry.” Two Federal officers filed out. Chicolithe studied their faces. A man’s face and eyes shows what he is, he thought. Try as he might, a man can’t hide some things. As a manhunter, he had seen the whole spectrum of the emotions and mindsets of captives—rage, defiance, fear, confusion, frustration, madness, and despair. Officer or enlisted man, when a man is on the run, his face wears the naked truth of what he is in his essence. cheap albion silver Chicolithe counted the now silent men huddle in front of him. Four, one dead on the water, that made five. One missing. “Where’s the other one?” he asked the one who had the most fear on his face. “I—I—I don’t know,” he replied. Chicolithe lifted the rifle’s muzzle and pressed it against the man’s chin. chaussures de foot adidas “This is no time to take up the bad habit of lying.” Nimrod had frozen like a dog pointing quail, his eyes fixed on the cane. Chicolithe heard his low and steady growl. “Nimrod thinks there’s still someone in the cane.” The Lieutenant’s eyes widened. “Get him, Nimrod,” Chicolithe said. Nimrod spurted into the cane, the other dogs following his lead. A man’s angry voice cursed, and Chicolithe could hear him thrashing about in the cane trying to get away from the dogs. The man-voice was swallowed up by the barks and growls of the dogs, and the angry voice changed to cries for help. “It isn’t right for you to sic your dogs on him,” one of the Federal officers said. “Call them off.” “They do sound like their getting worked up, don’t they? You can go get your friend if you want,” Chicolithe said. “He should have come out like the rest of you had the sense to do.” Chicolithe waited a minute longer, then whistled sharply. The dogs stopped their attack. He knew they still circled the man, waiting for another chance to attack. Chicolithe heard the man hyperventilating and wheezing. He called out, “You ready to come out of that cane now?” “Yes.” Chicolithe whistled again and the dogs returned to the manhunter party. Nimrod rubbed his bloody muzzle on the grass, then nudged each of the other dogs as if congratulating them for their work. Chicolithe heard the prisoner trudge cautiously toward them through the cane. He stepped out in the open. His blue jacket was shredded and stained with blood. His eyes were glazed and crossed. “Lord, have mercy,” one of the Union officers said. “He needs medical attention. Can’t you put him on a horse?” “Patch him up best you can. He walked away from Camp Ford. Air Jordan 18 I reckon he can walk back like the rest of you.” He lifted his rifle and pointed the barrel west, toward the road. “You boys get to walking that direction. That will put us on the Tyler road and it will be easier walking. We’ll follow along right behind you.” “What about that Yank you shot?” the towhead said. “What about him?” “Captain won’t pay you unless he sees the body, Chicolithe.” “I reckon you’re right about that.” Chicolithe backtracked the group to where he had shot the escaping prisoner. The Federals stood at the edge of the swamp in silence, staring at the bobbing blue body, facedown on the water. “Y’all wade out and get your friend,” Chicolithe said. “You can bury him back at the camp.” When they had dragged the corpse out of the water, Chicolithe told the towhead to walk, so they could tie the dead Federal across his horse. He allowed the Federals to walk in a clump until they neared Camp Ford, then he tethered them neck to neck and ordered them walk in a single file. Chicolithe called out, “Sing for them, boys!” Nimrod and the dogs began their hunters’ chorus—howling, snarling, and barking, as they herded the prisoners forward, nipping at their heels like stock dogs. The Colonel met Chicolithe at the edge of the camp. He angrily eyed the prisoners, and then turned the manhunter. “Excellent work, Mr. Chicolithe. Excellent! Come by my cabin and I will pay you for your services. Guards! Open the gate for the prisoners. Write down their names, for I shall call them later for questioning and punishment.” After the Federals had filed into the stockade, the dogs sat on their haunches outside the heavy pine-log gate. Chicolithe rode on to the Colonel’s cabin, dismounted, and tied his horse to one of the cedar porch posts. There was a pail of water on the porch. He drank two gourds of water, wiped his mouth with his shirtsleeve, and walked back to the stockade. He climbed a ladder and studied the mass of prisoners. A few of the prisoners saw him and pointed his way, whispering to their comrades. He saw a prisoner, standing as if paralyzed, a pewter spoon in his hand. That’s odd, he thought. The prisoner’s eyes shifted to the man next to him, who held a bulbous rag, cupped in his hand. The one with a spoon vanished into a dugout, and Chicolithe watched the other untie his bundle. A thin stream of dust poured out as he walked along the path the Yankees had named Main Street. The soldier folded his rag and stuffed it into his pocket, then he too ducked inside the same dugout the man with the spoon had gone into. They’re digging a tunnel, he thought. Spoonful by spoonful. Guess it gives them something to do. He returned to the cabin where the Colonel, Mrs. Allen, and Miss Molly waited for him. Miss Molly said, “I see Caesar has returned with many captives. I shall later compose a poem as a tribute to your exploits.” Colonel Allen handed Chicolithe a small sack of coins. “I believe this capture will demonstrate to the prisoners how futile the notion of escape is. Hopefully, we will not need your services in the future. Some of the officers want to hunt for deer or perhaps even a buffalo tomorrow. Would you care to join us?” “Naw, I reckon I’ll stick to hunting Federal prisoners.” Chicolithe contemplated informing the Colonel about the tunnel. They had probably been working on it for sometime. He felt sorry for the Federals in a way—all that work and time expended for nothing. Canotte Phoenix Suns A tunnel meant several soldiers would attempt an escape. He thumbed the sack of silver coins in his palm. Scanning the sky, he speculated about future weather. cheap albion gold Too much rain would flood or collapse the shallow tunnel. This group wouldn’t wait for bad weather. They would escape as soon as they dug past the stockade wall. Nimrod trotted to Chicolithe and rubbed his muzzle against his leg. Chicolithe scratched Nimrod’s ears. “Don’t worry, boy. We won’t have to wait long.

    Chapter Twelve: Month the Babies Cry

    Chapter Twelve: Militia At Jacksboro, Micah and Ramon joined a dozen men gathered in front of the general store. They tied their horses and stood in a queue in front of a table, behind which sat a man with quill and paper. He had the confident, tired look of an experienced Ranger or cavalryman, wearing his brace of pistols high on his waist. His skin was tan and hard, his eyes blue, and his long hair dark with gray streaks. His lips moved as he read the lines he wrote. Behind him, sprawled on the ground were two Tonkawas, dressed in civilian clothes, but wrapped in blankets. When Micah reached the table, the man laid down his quill. He looked first at Micah’s boots, then his eyes took in his clothes, and finally focused on the silver star pinned on the front of Micah’s hat. The Texas accouterment had been fashioned from a silver Mexican coin. “I’m Captain Howard. I’ll be the commander of this unit. Name.” “Micah Evans.” “Do you have your own horse and weapons?” “Yes, sir.” “Both in working order?” “As good as they ever worked.” “You ever fought Indians before?” “Not personally, but my daddy was a Ranger, so I reckon it’s in my blood.” “I reckon that qualifies you. You have boots instead of brogans, and since they are in good shape, you must have been cavalry or mounted infantry.” “I was both at one time or another. Depending on what Taylor and Captain Allison had in mind that particular day.” “I have met General Taylor. cheap albion gold I was with the Texas 22nd Cavalry. I know your captain too. Captain Allison is a fine leader, even if he does have a fondness for the liquor.” “Yes, sir, he is a good commander. As far as his fondness for liquor, that’s a fact. We shared a drink now and then. Adidas Homme He gave a couple of us furlough so we could check on our families.” “If you’re on furlough, why do you want to join the militia?” “It’s cause of all that money I know Texas is going to pay me for risking my life joining up with this experienced Injun-killing militia. Nike Air Max Thea damskie cheap albion gold I ain’t gonna be paid in Confederate money, am I?” One of the men in the line snickered. Captain Howard covered his grin with his hand. albion silver “No, if it were in Confederate money, I’ve got enough of that worthless paper at home to pay the whole unit myself. buy albion gold No, the great state of Texas says it will pay you men in gold coin upon our return. I trust that will be acceptable.” “Good. Air Huarache Donna

    Maybe I can use some of that Texas gold to replace the stock the Comanches stole from my folks’ place.” He held up a sheet of paper and ran a scarred finger down a list of names. Fjällräven Kånken Mini “Evans. Yes, I see the occupants of your father’s home was a victim of the recent depredations. I am truly sorry for your loss. Air Jordan 11 For Kids I didn’t know your father personally, but I have heard of him. He seems to be held in high esteem by the residents here.” “How come you’re just getting around to going after them?” “The war has been difficult, Mr. Evans. buy albion silver We needed the time to equip the unit and find enough able men to have an effective expedition.” Micah hooked a thumb over his shoulder at Ramon. “I see you got these Tonkawas, but Chavez here is the best tracker in the county. Minnesota Timberwolves He’ll lead you right to them. NIKE AIR HUARACHE He was a Ranger too, down in South Texas. He and my father rode together with Juan Seguin.” “Good. We can always use a good tracker. Welcome to the unit, Micah Williams. Mr. Chavez, I’ll take your information next.” After all had mustered, the captain called for them to line up. The fourteen militiamen moved into an uneven line. They carried a wide assortment of long arms—a couple of flintlocks, some shotguns, hunting rifles, and a few Enfields and Springfields. cheap albion silver However, all carried revolvers. Captain Howard studied them a minute and then said, “Some of you are experienced soldiers. Some of you have served in Ranger regiments before, so you know that this work is dangerous, and though I intend on finding these raiders, there is no guarantee that we will do so, but you will all be paid upon our return whether we engage the enemy or not. Our mission is important. This land, our stock, our families do not belong to the Comanches and they must learn this lesson. buy albion gold I intend to give the savages hard instruction. We will leave first thing in the morning. You men raise your right hand for your oath.” All of the Minutemen raised their hands, except for Jacob Matthews. Adidas Zx Flux Homme His empty right shirtsleeve hung limply down his side. New Balance 990 mujer He had lost the arm after a skirmish with the Yankees along the Red River in Louisiana and then was discharged. He bragged that when the cannon shrapnel had taken the arm off cleanly at the shoulder, the men in his unit had seen it sail by and the hand slap their Lieutenant on the face. Canotte New Orleans Pelicans albion gold Jacob shrugged when the Captain looked at him. “I ain’t got a right arm to raise, Captain. It ain’t going to hurt my ability to kill Comanches though. I can shoot my pistol with my left hand better than most men with a right hand.” “I believe you. Have the man next to you raise your sleeve.

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    Adios, America! by Ann Coulter: A Short Review

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    solde adidas chaussures pas cher I have MANY friends who have immigrated from Mexico legally, and I have known many others who HAD to move their families or businesses across the river for safety’s sake, but these are not the issue of Coulter’s book. billige Nike sko norge The Rio Grande Valley where I work is beautiful, safe, and not overwhelmed like some locations are. air max 2017 grigio uomo

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    1. We do need a moratorium (at least temporary) on all immigration.
    2. The mainstream media and our politicians have deliberately withheld information about the harm the hordes of illegal Immigrants do to America.
    3. The entire world outside of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Western Europe, etc. Bart Starr Packers Jerseys are in humanitarian crises.
    4. Americans do not want America to become Mexico. Nike Sko Norge Nettbutikk If Mexico is so great, why do so many want to leave?
    5. Immigrants are costing Americans taxes in birthing babies,welfare, crime, and welfare. We cannot sustain this expense.
    6. The media and liberals seek for and attack crimes (mostly imagined) of whites while ignoring the crimes of illegal immigrants. Clemson Tigers Obvious hypocrisy.
    7. A wall on the border will work to help stem illegal immigration from Mexico. Examples of walls that have worked: Fences around rich folks homes, the Wall between China and North Korea, between Israel and Palestine, the Great Wall of China, and other borders.
    8. Democrats are using the hordes of immigrants and the promised amnesty to recruit Democratic voters. Connor Shaw – South Carolina Gamecocks Nike Air Max 2017 Dames blauw Yet, these immigrants will be a source of terrorists for us.
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    Chapter Seventeen: The Month the Babies Cry

    Chapter Seventeen – Micah Returns Ruthie Ramon led them to the O’Connor farm. Like most farm and ranch houses in Jack Country, there was a fence around the yard made of juniper and bois d’arc posts. The house was still solid with only a few signs of disrepair. As they approached the fence Ramon said, “They’ve done fairly well with the place, considering how many men are gone. buy final fantasy gil Women have had to handle everything—the crops, the livestock, repairs, the children. Let us hope the savages leave them alone.” An old man in a rocking chair sat on the porch. He was smoking a long-stemmed clay pipe. When they stopped their horses in front of him, he said, “Ramon Chavez. I haven’t seen you in a spell. I heard you became a Ranger again and signed up with that same unit Frederick’s brother went out with. He didn’t get himself kilt, did he?” “Yes, it is the same unit. No, Henry is well, but he lost his horse to the Comanches. fjallraven kanken soldes He should return on foot soon.” “Get off your horses and I’ll make you and your secessionist friend there some coffee.” His eyes moved to the girl and his smile vanished. “Lord’s sake! Jenny, you best come out here. Ramon Chavez has found your cousin. Good Lord, we feared she was dead.” “We followed the Kiowas who took her,” Ramon said. Jenny stepped outside and covered her mouth with her hand. “Ruthie! Oh, Jesus! Ruthie!” Ruthie stared blankly at her. Jenny ran to Ramon who lifted Ruthie from his horse and passed her down to her. She smothered the girl in an embrace and kisses. “Ruthie, I was so worried, I thought I’d never seen you again! Thank you, Ramon! Thank you so much! And I thank your friend too.” She looked closer at Micah. “Well, if it’s not Micah Evans. You finally returned to Jack County. I thank you too, sir.” “Micah’s what you always called me before, Jenny. And I never wanted to be a sir, especially with old friends. Vanderbilt Commodores Sounds too much like I am—was an officer.” “Well, seems like a strange notion to worry about.” She clutched Ruthie to herself. “Ruthie, are you well, darlin’?” Ruthie muttered a few incoherent words, and then groaned in anger. She pulled in a deep breath, then spoke the first words Micah had heard her speak. “It has been terrible, Jenny. Mama and Papa are dead! So is little Jimmy. These two men saved me, and they killed the stinking Indians that took me. Jenny, they did horrible things to me. They hurt me. I wanted to die. I prayed that I would die!” She buried her face in her cousin’s shoulder. “Shhhh, Ruthie. Don’t talk about it. It doesn’t matter what happened, as long as you are back.” Jenny was crying now, and she placed her arm around Ruthie and led her toward the house. She turned her head. “You men, give us a few minutes so I can tend to her wounds and put some decent clothes on her, and then I’ll fix us a fine supper.” Her eyes fixed on Micah’s briefly, then she looked down. “It’s the least I can do to thank you. Tie up your horses and talk with Papa Charlie. And Papa Charlie, don’t you don’t cause no trouble.” “War’s over, Jenny. I ain’t gonna mistreat no one who brought home your cousin.” He grinned. “Even if he was a disloyal son of the Union. But I reckon since he is a friend of Chavez, I can put up with him. You are Augdon Evan’s son, ain’t you?” “Yes, sir, I am.” “My goodness. My goodness. You can just call me Papa Charlie. I knew your father. He thought a lot of Sam Houston. How did he feel about you joining up with the Confederacy?” “He didn’t cotton to it much, Papa Charlie. We had some words over it.” “You as good as man as your father was, boy?” “I don’t rightly know, Papa Charlie. I reckon he was a better man than I could ever be.” Papa Charlie looked at Chavez. “What do you think, Chavez?” He pitched Ramon a small sack of tobacco. “Corn husk is inside the pouch if you want to roll yourself a cigarette. I know you don’t cotton to pipes none. It’s good tobacco. chaussure new balance femme 2016 Growed it myself.” Ramon carefully pinched out some tobacco and placed it in the cut square sheet of husk, licked the edge, and then rolled it. Papa Charlie popped a Lucifer match with his finger and held the flame out to him. Ramon lit the cigarette, inhaled deeply, then exhaled. “Thank you, Papa Charlie.” Ramon led his horse to the watering trough and finished his cigarette. “He’s as good a man as Augdon. A natural Comanche killer. He is fearless.” “Sometimes fearless ain’t a good quality for a man to have. Fearless man takes too many chances and he don’t know when to let something go.” Ramon passed Micah the pouch of tobacco. “I need to tend to these horses. The Indian ponies belong to Micah, the other two were stolen from Ruthie’s family. I’ll put them in the corral for now.” Micah remained on the porch and rolled a cigarette for himself. He lit it off Ramon’s cigarette, and while he, Ramon, and Papa Charlie smoked, he could only think of the two bright blue eyes of Erin O’Connor. * * * That night, Micah and Ramon sat at the O’Connor table and shared the supper of cornbread, pinto beans, canned tomatoes, and coffee that Jenny had prepared. “I am sorry we don’t have meat tonight,” Jenny said. “It’s better fare than we’ve been eatin’,” Micah said. “I’m much obliged. I heard you married.” “I did. Did you know my husband, Micah Evans?” “No, ma’am, not well anyway. But I did meet Frederick not long after he moved here. He weren’t too friendly at the time.” “Well, it’s been so long since I heard from him. I fear the worst. La chaussure de running Asics I guess I will be another Texas widow. I didn’t want him to get involved in this ignorant war. The store was doing well. He was never real good at taking care of himself, and I just knew some heathen rebel soldier would shoot him down.” She set down her cup of coffee. “I’m sorry, that sounded harsh. Compra Zapatillas Adidas Baratas Online I don’t want to judge you for fighting with the Confederates. Our men here had to choose, and each had to follow his own conscience. I know the war is near over now, but Jack County lost too many men to it, on both sides, and I don’t know what I should be thinking.” “I can’t rightly remember why I went myself,” Micah said. “Ramon and my father both tried to convince me not to go. They said the county was too divided for any sane man to take a stand. It all seems to have been for nothin’ anyway. I guess standin’ up for an ideal you believe in ain’t enough to win a war, specially when you have men running armies who weren’t cut out for the job. Nike Air Foamposite Womens General Smith was a good enough commander, so was Kirby, but some of the others, seem to have been a bit addled. So I take it you are a Unionist like your husband?” “It’s a touchy issue between my husband and me. My brother moved to New Orleans and joined the 6th Louisiana. One of Lee’s Tigers. He died at Sharpsburg.” “I’m indeed sorry to hear that.” “Well, I have such a busy day tomorrow.” Jenny stood behind Micah and refilled his coffee cup, and laid a hand on Micah’s shoulder. “I must go to Jacksboro for some more supplies. So now, I am going to wash the dishes, then prepare a bed for you men on the floor.” The touch of her hand was light, but it jolted him. “That’s mighty nice of you Miss Jenny,” Micah said. He saw Ramon shake his head slightly. “Aren’t you the gentleman now, Micah. We grew up together. It sounds strange to hear you address me in such a proper manner.” “Micah and I can sleep outside, Miss O’Connor,” Ramon said. “The weather is mild, and I feel that you need to be alone with Ruthie. It will be no bother for us.” “Well, I will give you some extra blankets so you can sleep in comfort, and prepare you a breakfast tomorrow before you leave.” “We are grateful for your kindness, Miss Jenny,” Ramon said. Micah found he couldn’t think of anything to say at all. Erin had withdrawn her hand from his shoulder, but he could still feel her hand’s warmth, and something like pre-battle jitters in his stomach. That night, after they had spread their blankets on the O’Connor porch, Ramon said, “Micah, I am going to say the same thing I know your father would say to you.” “What’s that, Ramon?” “I know you took a furlough, but you shouldn’t go back. Your family needs you here.” “I don’t intend to go back, Ramon. I do have to check on the captain’s family though. Now, quit jawing and let’s get some sleep. Soon Ramon began to snore. New York Knicks Later, Micah could hear Ruthie whimpering inside. “Damn it, Ramon, how can they sleep with that girl carrying on so?” He didn’t know how to put the thought into words. He had seen hard things in the war, but never something like this. Do you think they . . .” Ramon turned over on his stomach and raised up on his elbows. The waning moon still gave enough illumination to make out the rim of hills to the west and the cottonwood trees along the O’Connor’s creek. He sighed, “Yes, they did. I’ve never known of Comanches or Kiowas not violating a woman they take. The Comanches and Kiowa have a story they tell. A war party of fifty warriors captured a white woman. The one who captured her took a fancy to her and wanted to keep her as his wife. The others came to him and said, ‘You are not a war chief. You must share the woman with us equally before you can claim her as your wife.’ Well, they all raped her, all fifty of them.