Busy Week

This morning, I presented my Scots-Irish program at Mangum Elementary School. Mangum is a small town near Monroe. What a delightful group of teachers and students! I was welcomed warmly by Kathyryn MacDonald, librarian; the principal, Mr. Pruitt, and even by Melissa Strange, a student I had taught at Caldwell High School who is now teaching at Mangum. Mangum has a great reputation, and I understand that teachers love it so much that few openings ever occur.  The school’s mascot is the dragon. I’ll post a pic of me and the school dragon soon.

Tomorrow, I’ll be at Mineola, Texas High School for an author program sponsored by Joy Stuart.  This is one of the biggest author events in East Texas!  Thursday and Friday I’ll in Little Rock, speaking for the Arkansas Reading Association. My topic is once again, “Why Authors Should Fall to Their Knees and Worship Librarians.”  I’ve got to run now and teach my college classes before hitting the road to reach my hotel near Mineola. Perhaps I’ll be able to make another post tonight.