The Little Bead Tree by Erin Rovin, is a sweet story for children and for anyone of any age who loves trees and Mardi-Gras. As many know, during and for days after the festival, one can see a long line of grand oak trees along Saint Charles Avenue covered with strings of beads tossed upon their branches for good luck. This children’s picture book illustrated with soft beautiful art is the story of how a grand old oak tutors and encourages a young tree, explaining the need of the youngster to have patience and belief that, though small in size, it is a special tree who will one day see and experience great and happy things if it will stay grounded and trust.

The grand oak’s prophesy that all will one day notice the little tree comes true and when Mardi-Gras comes, as the crowds gather and the parade and marching bands pass by, the little tree is covered with beads from trunk to crown.

Our children are like the little oak tree, insecure about who they are and sometimes too anxious to grow up and be like others. Like the little oak, this book gives them the message that they are special and can grow up to be a grand old oak, strong, loved, noticed by those who will toss to them beads of blessing.

This is a book that can encourage young readers, as well as help adult readers to never took at little trees, Mardi-Gras beads, and little children the same.

–Rickey Pittman, Bard of the South, October 2021

  About the author: Erin Rovin lives in the New Orleans area. Her previous work and writings include investigative reporting, print and online articles, and a stint as a New Orleans City Guide writer. Previous books include the Adventures of Little Laveau series of children’s books. She has a BFA from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. She has worked in the film industry with shows, including Dancing With the Stars.

MLA Works Cited

Rovin, Erin. The Little Bead Tree. Pelican, 2021