Ten Reasons I’ve Chosen to be a Writer

I have a busy day ahead of me. I thought I’d make myself take a personal inventory as to why I’ve chosen to be a writer. This is a brainstorm list, so I’ll probably develop and perhaps even revise it later.
1. I’ve always loved words, loved reading and writing them. Always loved books and the worlds they take me to.
2. I’ve heard the Muse sing to me. I couldn’t resist her beauty, though deadly she may be.

3. I’ve read many biographies of writers and realized that many of them are like me: curious, eccentric, wild and on the edge, perhaps a little insane.
4.  My writing will leave behind a legacy. (in comparison to my other and previous “jobs”).

5. Writing connects me to the past. Like the ancient bards and scops, I can pass on history.

6. Writing is (sometimes) good personal therapy.
7. I have recently realized that I will never and could never be truly happy if I weren’t a writer. I’ve heard that Kafka said that to want to write and not write is to invite madness. I think that would be true of me.

8. Every writing project helps me grow personally in some way.

9. Writing–because of the research, marketing, and promotion required–results in my meeting the most interesting people.

10. Through my writing I feel I can truly be useful to people in some way.

*Write me and let me know what you think of this list and I’ll send you a free ebook of one of my plays. rickeyp@bayou.com