Seamus, my leprechaun, and I at NTIF
The above photos were taken at the North Texas Irish Festival in Dallas, March 2009. The first is of me and Seamus, my leprechaun, who goes with me to every program now. The second is of Miranda Aranda of the duo, Arabesque. They make great music and are two of the most creative people I know of. The third is of me and Tom McCandlish performing on stage at NTIF.
Notes from Brownsboro, Texas:
Tomorrow is my last day with the school district at Brownsboro, Texas. The kids and teachers have been wonderful. I’ve done two days of my Scots-Irish program and two days of Texas history programs. Teri Green is the librarian in charge of the school system’s libraries and she is doing a grand job. She’s been taking photos and I should have some of them soon.