My Last Day in California

Today was packed solid. As I’ve had no car here on Catalina, my legs have gotten a good workout traipsing the island hills.  I took a tour of the Catalina Island Casino (which in the true denotation of the word means a place of entertainment NOT a gambling place). What a fascinating facility!

One of the most interesting things that happened today was hearing a musical duo, who cvalled themselves, Up in the Air, perform. With me is Frederico and the very beautiful Porschia. What a voice that girl had! And Frederico made magic on his nylon string guitar. Listening to them had to be one of the highlights of the trip.

up in the air

Another interesting person I met was Ron Pyke, owner of the Bookseller on Metropole Ave.,  a bookshop specializing in “Fine Old Books, Maps, and Prints.”  He is quite an artist in his own right.  I found him very conversant on literary matters, he knows many writers (including Anaïs Nin), actors, and other people of fame, and he loves his work. His store is well-stocked, and I could have easily bought more books than I could have carried home.  He now carries my books in his store. Here is a picture of me with Ron:

ron pyke

Tomorrow, I’m leaving early to fly back to Louisiana, so there will likely be no blog entry. Check back Thursday though.

One thought on “My Last Day in California

  1. What a review! Well, you must know that you brought us inspiration with your enthusiasm! Next time you’re on the island, if you don’t have a guitar in your hand, so help me I’ll find one to put in it! We would love to play music with you sometime, stay in touch and we send our love.
    Porschia and Federico (Up in the Air)

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