It was a long weekend and the whole time I’ve been driving in the rain. I must have passed a half dozen accidents. Thursday night I traveled to my parents house along the Red River and spent the night there. Early Friday (I left before 6:00 a.m.) I drove to Prarie Vista Middle School to present my Civil War program (7 programs). From there, I drove to Plano (only 40 miles, but it took two hours because of Dallas traffic) to present storytelling and music and sign Scottish Alphabet books at Legacy Books at their weekly Pajamorama! There were over 30 children and about that many adults and I found them most receptive. The store took pictures, which they’re going to send me, so I’ll post more and have more to say about Lorna and Kyle the managers and the rest of the staff, but here is one photo I took with my phone of Alia, the store’s resident storyteller. This beautiful lady is an English and Theatre major and quite a hit with the kids! If you’re ever in the DFW area, you need to visit Legacy Books (3 stories, free Internet, and great coffee) 7300 Dallas Parkway, Plano. Their website is here:

Alia at Legacy Books
I left Plano and arrived in Monroe at 2:00 a.m. I slept late on Saturday, then rose to face the endless work of teaching my online classes. Today has been spent in the same activity, but I did manage to attend the Celtic Society’s meeting today for a special presentation on St. Patrick. I know I’m behind on my posts for this blog, but I’ll catch up soon–promise. This week, I’m performing on St. Patrick’s Day (Tuesday) at the War Veterans Home and at Enoch’s Irish Pub in the Evening.