Thirty Days to Halloween, Day 26: Skinwalkers and Chindi, Horror of the Navajos

Thirty Days to Halloween, Day 26: Skinwalkers and Chindi, Horror of the Navajos

I’ve read everything I can find about Native Americans for most of my reading life. The Navajo have two legends that are appropriate for us to consider during Halloween. First, there are the Skinwalkers, witches who are capable of great evil and who can shapeshift into the forms of animals or of dead people. This site is the best description of the Skinwalkers that I’ve found.   Here is a short video about the Skinwalkers.


The next Navajo legend is the evil, demonic ghost of the Chindi, a ghost left behind when a person who dies doesn’t receive proper burial rites. Witches can inflict a “ghost sickness” upon others.   HERE is a good site with some information about the Chindi. And here is a good video about the Chindi.