The Clan MacFarlane

I’ve been performing music every month at MacFarlane’s Celtic Pub in Lake Charles, Louisiana. There’s always been a good crowd, they have great food, and a cool facility. I’ve included a flier of my next performance there.

The name MacFarlane caught my attention and I did some study into Clan MacFarlane. Here’s some things I’ve learned: They are a highland clan, originally near Loch Lomund. Their motto is “This I’ll defend.” Known to be such effective night raiders of cattle, the full moon was known as MacFarlane’s Lantern. They even had a piping march devoted to the cattle raids titled, “To Lift the Cows We Shall Go!” On the Civil War Sailors & Soldiers System, I found the names of many MacFarlanes who served for both the Confederacy and Union Armies. I found the clan’s website HERE and another HERE.