Seamus the Leprechaun took a few days off from his cobbler business to attend the Jackson, Mississippi Celtic Fest. A full report of his adventures there will be forthcoming. On his return he stopped at the sign welcoming visitors to Monroe, Louisiana. After wading through water up to the soft mound of dirt the sign is built on, he posed for this photo. When asked why this sign was important to him, he said:
“I’m looking for a pot of gold! I heard that Monroe’s Mayor Mayo constructed this sign for $75,000.00. Look at it. It’s a pile of dirt and a bunch of bricks. There’s no way it could have cost that much. So I decided he must have buried some of that money here, and I’ve come to find it. With a name like Mayo, do you think the mayor is Irish?”
Seamus the Leprechaun can be seen in the bottom left corner of the photo.

Seamus Searches for Mayo Gold
A really sweet picture and a light hearted read. Love yoru blog and its content.
You should also chekc out the bizymoms Monroe community page for some interesting content for moms.