Good News and Bad News Day

I’ll start with the bad news. On a hunch, I called the Daphne, AL Books-A-Million to make sure my books were in. They weren’t, even though the manager ordered them over a month ago and they are for sure in their warehouse. It looks like I won’t have enough time to salvage the Daphne, but I have the BAM and Pelican folks both working on it, so maybe I can pull it off, or at least keep the Mobile BAM for Sunday. I’ll know something more by this afternoon I’m sure. If it doesn’t work out I can reschedule the Daphne BAM I suppose, since I love Mobile so much it would not be a hardship.  Though I know these little hindrances and frustrations are a part of life, I STILL HATE THEM!

Good News: My book, Jim Limber Davis: A Black Orphan in the Confederate White House is in the bookstore and giftshop of the Atlanta Cyclorama & Civil War Museum! This is a major coup. This Cyclorama is advertised as the largest painting in the world, and since 1893 is the longest running show in the country!  Lots of traffic there, so sales should be good. As I’ve mentioned before, I intend on getting to Atlanta for a week or two of signings there. The Cyclorama’sWebsite is here: