A short review of Tompkin’s School: For the Extraordinarily Talented

I have just finished reading Tompkin’s School: For the Extraordinarily Gifted by Tabitha Slick, an award-winning author of Paranormal & Urban Fantasy novels. I would highly recommend this novel, and indeed all of her books. The title fascinated me as it made me think of the powerful minds of Gifted Students and the world they live in. Having taught Gifted and Talented students, I am sure this is a Young Adult novel they would enjoy.

Now, more about the author: I first met her at the Texas Haunter’s Convention in Mesquite Texas. At her website https://www.tabislick.com/, you can receive a free sample of Tompkin’s School, a school “where students go missing, demons hunt freely, and the school does nothing to stop it. “ At her website, you can join her Transitioned Universe, the supernatural world of magic in which all her books are set to discover its secrets.

Ms. Slick is a prolific author and if you have an interest in reading novels about the Paranormal and Urban Fantasy, you are sure to enjoy the experience.

Tompkin’s Academy is set in the magical countryside of Oklahoma where she grew up. After starting her studies in Puerto Rico, she finally settled down in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas.

With a background in Linguistics, she’s often found either researching or with her nose stuck in a book. In her blog, you will find writing tips, recommended books to read, details of some of her writing events, and special offers. She has a contact page and I have found her to respond promptly to letters and questions. Her photo is below!