
Today was a grunt work day. I scrambled to get ready for work at the university, scrambled to prepare for the classes, muddled my way through them, and came home to more work than I can possibly do. Rat race of the mind.

Things are going well with my writing work. I now have events scheduled every weekend (and many week days) between now and Christmas. I had one weekend left and I set up signings in Mobile, AL. Two Barnes and Nobles stores. One store has booked me twice. Once on Oct. 16, a Tuesday, for an Educator Appreciation Night, and then again in November on the 16th and 17th. As soon as I get the details, I have a massive publicity campaign to begin.  I’ll also post them here on my blog. I really want the signing in Mobile to be noteworthy. Long story here. If you know me well, you already know it. Well, on to the editing work! In the words of Lawrence’s story, “The Rocking Horse Winner,” which I taught to my 102 students today, “There must be more money!”