- When was your trip taken? The trip was February 1-8, 2014
- Where was your destination? Nairobi, Kenya. We traveled to Atlanta from Monroe on Delta. Atlanta to Amsterdam on Delta. Then to Nairobi on KLM. Same route on the way back.
- What was the purpose of your trip? We met with an organization named 410 Bridge that drills water wells, upgrades schools and teaches rural communities to be self sustaining. cheap albion gold We wanted to learn from them how to do this and maybe partner with them and some contacts we have in Kenya. albion silver We talked to some Kenyans about Celebrate Recovery also. buy albion gold (You can read about Celebrate Recovery here:)
- How long have you been planning this? How did the idea come up? The plans began last year. cheap albion silver This group brought a children’s choir from Uganda and performed at WFR Church. buy albion silver We began talking and planning then. They told us their philosophy about helping and it was one we were interested in.
- Who went with you? What was his/her duty? Josh Hudnall went with me from West Monroe. We met 4 others from other places. Josh had been to Kenya the year before to introduce Celebrate Recovery because they asked him to do so. buy albion gold He was following up. It is very successful in Kenya.
- How long did you stay? We stayed one week.
- What did you learn about Africa from this trip? They are a humble and beautiful people. They have the same needs and desires as we all do. We were on the Equator but it was cool at night. The elevation was around 5,000 feet. albion gold Saw a lot of wild life that I have never seen before. We were in the area where the movie Out of Africa was filmed.
- Is there a website or PowerPoint about the trip? No website or PowerPoint. Just a few pictures on Facebook.
- Is this your first trip overseas? I have also been to Haiti, Dominican Republic, Ukraine, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Mexico. I leave for Liberia in 3 weeks. Going to Guyana in July.
- Any special observations about your trip? As in most cultures the women do much of the hard things like cooking, fetching water and just living is harsh. One of the American ladies asked our guide, “Andrew, what do the men do”? Joking, he said, “Planning and catching up on breaking news.” I also observed the truth of a quote I heard before: “People don’t care what you know until that know that you care.” Also “ Preach the Gospel always.
Interview with Robert Ables with World Relief Ministries
Robert Ables is an elder of White’s Ferry Road Church of Christ and works with World Radio Relief Ministries. cheap albion gold (You can read more about this ministry here:) Robert and I have been friends for many years and I have never known him to be anything other than a good, sincere, hardworking man. After learning of his recent trip to Africa, I asked him for an interview for this blog and he graciously consented. My questions to him are in bold and his responses follow.