Thirty Days to Halloween: Day 2. New Orleans Vampires

I had a great weekend in Lafayette for a major book signing of four of my books at the Tinsel and Treasures Holiday event sponsored by the Junior League. Several Arcadia authors were present, signaling books (See my FB page for photos!) One author of Arcadia/Pelican present was Marita Woywode Crandle and the chef of Vampire Café, Chris Dunn.  Marita is the author of the book, New Orleans Vampires: History and Legend, published by Haunted America, a Division of the History Press.

For those interested in horror, this is a fine read, as is her new novel, Mosquito: Southern Vampites, A New Orleans Penny Dreadful. Here’s a summary of the novel:

As the back cover of New Orleans Vampires says, New Orleans has a reputation as a home for creatures of the night! To learn more about this fascinating, multi-talented lady and her products, merchandise, art,  and work with Vampire Cafe (Boutique du Vampire) visit her websites.

Her personal website is HERE:

Author photo is from Below is one of Marita’s  brochures about the Vampire Café.