Thirty Days to Halloween: Day One

Today, I begin my series, Thirty Days to Halloween, posted in detail on my blog with smaller summaries on my Facebook page. Since tonight will be a New Moon, I’ll begin with that as a topic and a photo from a lovely friend Stefani, who loves Halloween!
1. The Celts placed great importance on the phases of the moon and arranged their calendar by it.
2. Cerridwen is said by many to be the main Celtic moon goddess.
3. The Celts had many superstitions and rituals associated with the New Moon.
4. My first encounter with Celtic beliefs about the New Moon was from a reading of The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley that relates the New Moon’s role in Nimue’s seduction of Kevin.
5. In Stephanie Meyer’s novel, New Moon, the title points to the darkest period of Bella’s life.